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我喜欢跳舞。I like dancing.

你喜爱跳舞吗?Do you dig dancing?

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我痛恨跳舞。I abominate dancing.

我特别喜欢民间舞。I love folk dancing.

我跳舞很拿手。I'm good at dancing.

你喜欢跳舞么?Do you enjoy dancing?

我们继续跳舞。We continued dancing.

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很抱歉,我正在跳舞呢!I'm sorry, I'm dancing.

卡西和李奇在跳舞了。Cath and Rich are dancing.

我绝对是个舞蹈迷。I absolutely love dancing.

我可以做一点舞蹈动作。I can do a little dancing.

我每天都要学跳舞。I learn dancing every day.

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我喜欢跳舞,酱紫。I like dancing. that's it.

得到您的嘻哈舞蹈!Get your hip-hop dancing on!

我喜欢游泳和跳舞。I like swimming and dancing.

那含着的是正在欢快跳舞的果汁吗?Or is it this dancing juice?

她正跟某人跳舞。She's dancing with some-One.

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肖说,“于是,我开始尝试跳钢管舞。So I tried out pole dancing.

医生白觉得跳舞有意思。Dr. Bai feels dancing is fun.

舞蹈很刚健。The dancing is very vigorous.