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他有一张黝黑的大脸。He had a broad swarthy face.

咸涩的浪花溅上他黝黑的脸。Of salt wave washed his swarthy cheek.

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你会变成皮肤粗糙,感到疲倦,皮肤黑黝。You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.

你会变得衣衫褴褛、疲惫不堪、皮肤黝黑You‘ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.

这是一张又大又胖的脸,黝黑而厚重。It is a large, fat, swarthy , rather heavy face.

水手被热带的太阳晒得黑黝黝的。The sailor was swarthy from the sun of the tropics.

一样的下巴裂缝,明亮的眼睛,浅黑的皮肤。The same cleft chin, bright eyes, and swarthy skin.

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她瘦高个,皮肤黝黑,有一双漂亮的大眼睛。She was tall, slim, rather swarthy , with large saucy eyes.

滴汗都滴从他黝黑的检查但他没有休息。Drops of sweat were dripping from his swarthy check but he did not rest.

它可不象你那么黑污,朝日啤酒斟酒机器人完全能够自我清洗。Unlike your own swarthy self, the Asahi Beer Pouring Robot is self-cleaning.

根据传统,他的脸是黝黑的并且他的头发有一种粟子颜色。According to tradition, His face was swarthy and His hair was of a chestnut color.

他是一个长相非凡的人,肤色暗淡而黝黑,肩膀宽得另人好奇。He was a remarkable-looking man, dark and swarthy , with curiously broad shoulders.

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一个脸色黝黑的学生打开书,敏捷地把书支在自己的书包盖底下。A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel.

另一方面,韩国和中国人则被描绘为皮肤黝黑、行为粗野、贼眉鼠眼。Koreans and Chinese, on the other hand, are depicted as swarthy , brutish and slit-eyed.

从员警背后突然跳出一个黑麻子来,怒声喝打。A swarthy pock-marked man jumped out from behind the policemen and howled for them to attack.

我是袁隆平,看我黝黑的脸庞和身体,你会认为我是农民。I am Yuan Longping, looked that my swarthy facial cast and the body, you will think I will be a farmer.

他肤色黝黑,像个长期顶着太阳在田间劳作的农民。He had the swarthy complexion of someone who had spent a fair amount of time under the sun, working the land.

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出于军事安全,我们对外称呼他们是“墨西哥人”,也因为我们希望他们黝黑的外表能让这个伪装身份可信。We called them "Mexicans" for operational security, and also because we hoped that their swarthy looks might make the cover plausible.

一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian.

阳光出奇地好。这时,你们就来了。黝黑而健康,身上残留的沙子,像一次关于生活的无声表达。Sunlight extraordinarily good. By now, you came. Swarthy and healthy, on body residual sand, looks like one time about the life silent expression.