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伦勃朗是个当之无愧的名画家。Rembrandt is a deservedly famous artist.

克林顿夫人走上一条歧路---也是应该如此。Mrs Clinton is in a bad way—and deservedly so.

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理所当然,她多次获得奖项。Deservedly , she won several prestigious awards.

他理所当然地得到了同事们的钦佩。He deservedly earned the admiration of his colleagues.

理所应当的,在她觉得满意的表现之后,她退休了。Deservedly satisfied with her performance, she then retired.

我们在下半场是表现较佳的一方,最终亦理所当然地获胜。We were the better team in the second-half and deservedly won.

毋庸置疑,他在这个时代傲视群雄,极少数拳手能比肩于之。And deservedly so. He is dominating his era as few fighters ever have.

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变阵收到了效果。我们下半场表现得更好,理所当然地获得了胜利。It worked. We were the better team in the second-half and deservedly won.

哈根达斯当之无愧地成为全球最具人气的顶级冰淇淋品牌。Haagen Dazs deservedly become the world's most popular top ice cream brand.

欧文打进了精彩的制胜球,我们值得这场胜利。Michael Owen scored a fantastic winning goal, and we deservedly won the game.

他是世上最好的球员,因为他获得了所有的荣誉。He is the best player in the world and deservedly so because he won everything.

当你们理所当然地把二元性留在身后的时候,它为你们的未来保存了所有的好。It all holds good for your future as you are deservedly leaving duality behind.

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他们所有的人都做出了出色的工作,他们在这项运动中的未来都应该是光明的。They have all done a wonderful job, and their future in this sport is deservedly bright.

在那场比赛中他赢得了喝彩,是他把小罗看死。In that game he earned plaudits, and deservedly so, for marking Ronaldinho out of the game.

我相信厄齐尔最终还会重新发光,但现在卡卡应该留在场上。I'm backing Ozil to eventually take his spot back, but right now Kaka is deservedly earning his games.

即使不能跟他名正言顺的牵著手逛街,你们还是可以做无所不谈的朋友。Even can't lead long to begin to go shopping perfectly deservedly with him, you shill can so to have no don't talk of friend.

贝尼特斯的球队上半场45分钟发挥出色,他们完全值得取得领先,库伊特半场结束前首开纪录。Rafa Benitez's side bossed the opening 45 minutes at Anfield, and deservedly took the lead through Dirk Kuyt before the break.

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电影由同时创作了电线女高音的家庭影院频道摄制,并名副其实的被称为近年来最好的电视电影。The film made by HBO, creators of The Wire and The Sopranos, has deservedly been hailed as one of the best TV movies for years.

结果临时聘用护士已成为护理队伍的重要组成部分,其劳动权益尚未得到很好的保障。Results The temporarily employed nurses became an important part of nurse staff, but their labor right were not protected deservedly.

科比之所以能在关键时刻比詹姆斯更能得到大家信任,是因为和他比较的詹姆斯在关键时候的表现衬托了科比。Kobe Bryant may have the reputation as a big shot maker and deservedly so, but a look at these numbers demonstrates that James is no slouch himself.