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因此,大部分人在被毒蛇咬伤后无法及时得到抗毒血清。As a result, some people don't get antivenom in time.

在25英里外的布德万镇,医生给她注射了广谱抗蛇毒血清。There, she was injected with a broad-spectrum antivenom.

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抗蛇毒素包含从马或者羊动物身上的维生素。Antivenom contains proteins from animals such as horses or sheep.

治疗蛇咬的防毒药品短缺在那里很普遍。Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite, are common there.

缺少抗蛇毒血清和缺少救治蛇蛟伤治疗办法的状况在那儿十分普遍。Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite, are common there.

缺少抗蛇毒血清、救治蛇蛟伤,在那儿十分普遍。Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite , are common there.

本回顾评估了与抗蛇毒血清一起给予的这些药物的好处。The review looked to assess the benefit of giving these drugs along with the antivenom.

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当有证据显示蛇毒液螫入体内时抗蛇毒血清被用来中和蛇咬毒素。Antivenom is used to neutralise snake bite toxins in people showing evidence of envenomation.

治疗一种蛇咬伤的抗蛇毒血清可能对另一种毒蛇咬伤无效。The antivenom that cures the bite of one kind of snake may not be effective for another kind of snake.

结论早期使用地塞米松、654-2和抗蛇毒血清可减少眼镜蛇咬伤引起的SIRS和MODS发生。Conclusions Using Dexamethason 654-2 and antivenom early may decrease the SIRS and MODS curren after Chinese cobra bite.

世界卫生组织赞扬了他为生产、调节、管理抗蛇毒素所做的努力。He praised efforts by the W. H. O. to establish common practices for the production, regulation and control of antivenom.

可汗由兽医为牠施打一剂抗毒血清,并受到主人家人整夜照料,之后牠完全康复了。Khan received a shot of antivenom from a vet and the family nursed him through the night. He has since made a full recovery.

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温科尔博士说对许多最需要它的穷人来说防毒液治疗花费很高。这种药品是从毒蛇的毒液中提取的。Doctor Winkel says antivenom treatment is too costly for many poor people who need it most. The drugs are developed from the venom of poisonous snakes.

“全球蛇咬伤行动”正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的实用性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.

这样做是为了阻碍毒液的蔓延,直到被害人可以找到抗毒血清药,主要是那些能够锁定和中和毒素的抗体。The idea is to hamper the venom's spread until the victim can receive antivenom medicine, essentially antibodies that lock onto and neutralize the poison.

"全球蛇咬伤行动"正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的可获得性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。The Global Snakebite Initiative is working to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.

目的探讨激素联合抗蛇毒血清环行封闭治疗毒蛇咬伤伤口溃疡的疗效及实用价值。Objective To discussed the curative effect and practicality of hormone combined with antivenom on the snake wound ulceration by the treatment of wreath line closing.

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方法应用抗蛇毒血清和机械通气救治23例银环蛇咬伤致急性呼吸衰竭患者。Methods 23 cases of snakebite by Bungarus multicintus in enmergency department, and all of them were induced ARF, they were treated by mechanical ventilation and antivenom.

现在世界上唯一用奶汁来喂养这种毒蜘蛛、收集其毒液的地方在悉尼附近的澳大利亚爬行动物公园,它的毒液可以制成抗蛇毒血清,供医院使用。The only place in the world that milks the spider for its venom is at the Australian Reptile Park near Sydney where it is collected to be made into Antivenom for hospitals.

抗蛇毒血清是唯一的治疗方式。但是专家说抗蛇毒技术及应用都需要改善。问题包括缺乏生产者和极高的治疗费用。Antivenom is the only cure. But experts say antivenom technologies and their use need to be improved. Problems include a shortage of manufacturers and the high cost of treatment.