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瑞典的1,000克朗面值钞票最先应用了该技术。Sweden's 1, 000-kroner banknote was first to use this technology.

他往外掏手帕时,没注意到一张钞票从口袋里掉了出来。As he took a handkerchief, he didn't notice that a banknote fell out of his pocket.

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对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。您没有零钱吗?Sorry, I'm afraid I can't give change the banknote of 10 pounds, don't you have dibs?

外汇基金自成立以来,一直持有作为支持发行香港纸币的资产。Since its creation, the Fund has held the backing to the banknote issues of Hong Kong.

如果临高俯视,可以辨认出所有的建筑造型都脱胎自一幅完整的50元人民币纸币的图案。Viewing from above, people see a complete picture taken from the image on a 50-yuan banknote.

举世钞迷皆知它是能收藏到的一枚最早期纸币。It is a piece known world over by banknote enthusiasts as the earliest collectible paper money.

传统数钞头损伤钞票并且塑料钞计数不准确。Traditional counting head damages easily the banknote and can′t count plastic notes accurately.

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南非10兰特纸币的正面显示一只犀牛,反面显示一只公羊。The South African 10 Rand banknote features a rhinoceros on the obverse and a ram on the reverse.

本文提出了一种采用离焦技术有效获取一捆新钞纸张信息的光学信息处理方法。A new optical method used for acquiring information from defocused image of new banknote is presented.

利用紫外光检查纸的质量,鉴别出伪钞。Through a sophisticate UV ray detection system, the authenticity of the banknote paper will be examined.

今后,美国的印钞机就自然不能随心所欲地开动了!Therefore the United Stated Banknote printing machine may not be able to print any time freely in future.

由于亨利手中有一张百万英镑的钞票,因此他不必付现钱,要什么有什么。With an one-million-pound banknote ready in hand, Henry was able to get whatever he wanted without paying cash.

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幸得哥哥协助,她终于说服母亲,取得她手里的最后一块钱。With her brother's help, she persuades her mother to hand over her last banknote and then rushes out of the house.

集中光谱测定技术是通过使用解吸附电离集中光谱测定术来检测钞票的不同部位。This new technique relies on using desorption ionisation mass spectrometry to test different spots on the banknote.

本实用新型属于一种可调节捆扎松紧度的捆钞机的发明创造。The utility model belongs to an invention of a banknote binding machine which can adjust the tightness of the binding.

对高浓度印钞凹印废水进行了一系列的非加酸工艺的处理试验。A series of experiments about the treatment of concentrated banknote printing wastewater without adding acid is carried on.

本发明涉及金融机具,具体地说是一种全自动纸币装订机。The invention is directed generally to the apparatus for banking, and particularly, to an automated banknote binding machine.

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30年前,林青禾第一次拿到一张万元新加坡币,由此开始他的钱币收藏生涯。George Lim began his coin and banknote collection 30 years ago with a single note, the first 10,000 Singapore dollar bill he received.

本文介绍了中国印钞造币总公司的发展现状及印制企业的特点。This paper introduces the developing conditions of China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation and the features of print enterprise.

由美国钞票公司、英国华德路公司、财政部印刷局等多家单位承印。The paper currency was printed by American Banknote Corporation, British Waterlow Corporation, and Printing Bureau of Finance Ministry, etc.