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采用大孔树脂吸附—高碘酸钾氧化法。Macroporous resin adsorption KIO 4 titration method.

示波滴定是判断滴定终点的一种新方法。Oscillographic titration is a new method for end point indication.

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本文就林邦公式在氧化还原滴定中的应用进行了讨论。Ringbom formula used in redox titration was discussed in this paper.

滴定突跃范围是滴定反应中选择指示剂的依据。Choosing titration indicator is based on jump range of titration ourve.

这些病人可能需要甘油滴定、β-阻止剂或吗啡。They may require titration of nitroglycerin, beta blockers, and morphine.

滴定剂一种用于滴定的,浓度已知的物质,如一种溶液。A substance, such as a solution, of known concentration used in titration.

通过胶体滴定法测定了CPAM电荷密度,研究了加填及加入CPAM后浆料悬浮液的电荷变化。In this paper, colloid titration is used to measure charge density of CPAM.

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简评了光度滴定法的特点和发展前景。Advantages and Prospects of photometric titration have been briefly discussed.

目的用高精度散射光度滴定法测定苯妥英钠。Aim To determine phenytoin sodium by a highly accurate nephelometric titration.

本文综述了示波滴定的研究与进展。The article discusses the Research and Development on Oscillographic Titration.

经方阵滴定测定捕获抗体、检测抗体、酶结合物和标准抗原的稀释倍数。The optimal dilution of antisera and antigen were determined by titration test.

王水溶样,氢溴酸除锡,直接用EDTA容量法测定铅阳极。Then bismuth in lead anode mud was determined by EDTA complexometric titration.

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介绍了采用非水滴定测定柠檬酸钾含量的分析方法。In the paper the nonaqueous titration is used to determine potassium citrate content.

该方法免去了滴定剂体积的直接读取,且不需确定滴定终点。The method is free of volumetric measurements and independent of titration end point.

使用过的油需按要做滴定法来确定正确的氢氧化纳使用量。For used oil, you should do a titration to determine the correct amount of NaOH to use.

该方法免去了滴定剂体积的直接读取,且不需确定滴定终点。The method is free of volumetric measurements, and is independent of titration end point.

采用非水滴定法对盐酸曲普立啶的含量测定方法进行了研究。The non-aqueous titration was used to determine the content of triprolidine hydrochloride.

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哪些巴比妥药物能用银量法进行含量测定?为什么?What kind of barbitals can be assayed by the potentiometric titration with silver nitrate?

本文用络合滴定法对钛酸钡中的钡和钛分别进行了测定。Barium and titanium in barium titanate were determined by means of complexometric titration.

叙述了用示波滴定法连续测定铜合金中铝、铁。Oscillopolarographic titration was applied to the determination of Al and Fe in copper alloys.