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昨天他们试图劫持我们的货车。Yesterday they tried to hijack some of our trucks.

它们还可以劫持人体细胞,以供其自行繁殖。They can hijack the body’s cells for their own reproduction.

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葡萄牙战舰成功挫败索马里海盗劫持油轮。Portuguese warship thwarts hijack off Somalia on an oil tanker.

头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。The front page is devoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.

那么,如果你能,挟持病毒使之携带你所要的基因该多好Well, what if you could hijack that virus to carry genes that you want?

病毒无法自我复制,取而代之的是它们能寄居在存活的细胞上。Viruses cannot replicate on their own but instead must hijack a living cell.

它也可以用来完全的劫持电脑,加入到一个僵尸网络。It could also be used to completely hijack the computer, adding it to a botnet.

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这是专门为电视制作的,他让你看到,怎样劫持波音797飞机。It was made especially for television, and it shows you how to hijack a Boeing 797.

劫持事件在汉代具有一定普遍性,以至汉律对“持质”有明文规定。Hijack was so prevalent in the Han Dynasty that it was proclaimed in writing by law.

有些寄生虫和病原体直接以寄主的组织为食,或者劫持寄主的分子机构进行繁殖。Some feed on the host's tissue directly, or hijack its molecular machinery to reproduce.

有消息说切尔西准备横刀夺爱,在冬季转会期买入马竞金童托雷斯。Chelsea are reportedly set to hijack Manchester United's January move for Fernando Torres.

这种复杂性意味着你不能仅仅用自然神经新生的产物随意替代旧的细胞。This complexity means you can't just hijack any old cell produced by natural neurogenesis.

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当前,网上出现了一种基于TCP的主动攻击,称为IP劫持。There is a kind of active attack based on TCP over the Internet, which is called IP Hijack.

此官员说飞机乘务组挫败了劫持此飞机的企图。The militants' attempt to hijack the plane was foiled by the flight crew, the official said.

在他完成分享你的最好的滑雪趣闻之前不要打断他们关于滑雪的故事。Don’t hijack their story about skiing before it’s finished to share your best skiing-anecdote.

因为你会想这个人可能是想偷你的车或用枪威胁你,劫持你,because you're thinking the guy might be trying to steal your car, put you at gunpoint, hijack you,

FK候格森德告诫阿森纳其他俱乐部随时可能解惑他们企图签下的后防新星哈瓦德-诺德维特。FK Haugesund have warned that other clubs may hijack Arsenal's attempts to sign starlet Havard Nordveit.

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一些学生会抓住这个机会谈些什么,可能让这堂课完全跑题。In the United States, some student would take this opportunity to answer something and hijack the lecture.

有的甚至直接将网友访问的网银页面劫持到伪造的“钓鱼”页面。Some net silver-colored pages that visit the netizen directly even hijack those who forge " fishing " page.

警方也没有就劫持情况、遭劫持人数等透露更多信息。Police also failed to hijack situation, the number of people had been hijacked to disclose more information.