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既有简洁,又有玩世不恭。has both terseness and cynicism.

不真实的民主孳生犬儒主义。A feigned democracy breeds cynicism.

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犬儒主义并不总是这样令人无力。Cynicism wasn't always so disempowering.

这个星球可消受不起这种玩世不恭的做法。And the planet can’t afford that kind of cynicism.

她会放弃她的玩世不恭而拥抱浪漫吗?Will she abandon her cynicism and embrace romance?

但阴谋论是自动生成的,懒惰的犬儒主义。But conspiracy theories are kneejerk, lazy cynicism.

信任别人,愤事嫉俗使你的人格变质。Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.

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从一开始,全球契约组织就饱受冷嘲热讽。The Global Compact attracted cynicism from the start.

美国犬儒主义的根源并不难找。The source of America's cynicism is not hard to find.

王永庆没有被别人的冷嘲热讽吓倒。Wang Yung-ching is not intimidated by other people's cynicism.

这种情绪使我们难以揣摸当今之中国青年。This cynicism makes today's Chinese young people hard to predict.

加布尔雷思说,“也许是因为它那种现代风格的玩世不恭和冷嘲热讽式的幽默。Maybe it's because of its very modern cynicism and sardonic humor.

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事实上亚历山大心如其言,他对犬儒的理解他人远不能及。But Alexander meant it. He understood Cynicism as others could not.

我们可以接受一种助长分裂、冲突和愤世嫉俗的政治。We can accept a politics that breeds division, and conflict, and cynicism.

眼睛瞅着他,她明白叛逆,那是他隐藏着的。Her eyes sought his, and she saw the cynicism there before he could hide it.

这种冷言冷语一直是整个反对医疗改革运动的标志。And that cynicism has been the hallmark of the whole campaign against reform.

但是德国民众仍然瞠目结舌于他最后行为的明目张胆与玩世不恭。But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act.

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积极的信念是无畏的,它守护着我远离愤世嫉俗和绝望的境地。Active faith knows no fear, and it is a safeguard to me against cynicism and despair.

我的朋友很独立,也有一点那么“愤青”。My friend is also slightly tinged with a touch of cynicism and a lot of independence.

也许,这是个性的问题和转变成犬儒主义的黑色影像问题。Perhaps it was a matter of personality, and of a dark vision that turned to cynicism.