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我立刻申请了“宣告式判决”。I immediately filed for a declaratory judgment.

你还需要寻求一个判决声明吗?Will you still have to seek a declaratory judgement as well?

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一种最正式的咨询形式是宣告性裁决令。One of the most formal types of advice is the declaratory order.

看起来,中国在一些领域的实际行动与其宣称的政策越来越不一致。China's actions in certain areas increasingly appear inconsistent with its declaratory policies.

如果在法庭上出现的话,那个判决声明与其说是销售的一个条件,不如说是一个选择?It came out in court, is the declaratory judgement an option rather than a condition of the sale?

确认行政法律关系判决,在理论上存在诸多障碍,其制度空间十分有限。There are many obstacles of administrative declaratory judgment in theory, and space for this system is limited.

在我国,采用确认之诉的方法,要比公众人物理论更适宜国情。It is more accommodating to China's context to adopt the declaratory judgment than the rule of the public figure.

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他承认,本周律师与他接触时告知他正在寻求让被告方改变“原判”的方法。He confirmed he had been contacted this week by her lawyers, who are seeking a "declaratory judgement" against him.

相反,国际组织快速发布的宣告和针对性的行动可以帮助反政府势力,平衡利比亚国内的对抗局面。Instead, swift declaratory and targeted actions by the international community can help tip the balance in favor of the anti-regime forces.

其他的蔗糖关税保持不变,同时1766年的宣言法案肯定了国会对所有有关美国事务进行立法的权力。The other sugar duties remained, and the Declaratory Act of 1766 affirmed the right of Parliament to legislate in all mattes concerning Americans.

第二章,海事赔偿责任限制程序之确权诉讼探讨。The second chapter is entitled "Study on Declaratory Actions Filed against the Procedure of Setting up Limited Liability Funds of Maritime Claims".

非刑罚化从制度设置上就是指刑罚宣告的回避、刑罚执行的回避以及犯罪人的社会化处遇。Institutionalization of depenalization means that we should exclude declaratory penalty and enforcement punishment, exercise criminal sociality treatment.

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此外,中国继续公布不完整的国防开支数字,参与与其宣称的政策不一致的行动。Moreover, China continues to promulgate incomplete defense expenditure figures and engage in actions that appear inconsistent with its declaratory policies.

在其他情况下,则应适用本部分所规定的救济,或如果这类救济不符合国内法,则应作出确认权属的宣告并给予适当补偿。In other cases the remedies under this part shall apply or where these remedies are inconsistent with a member's law declaratory judgments and adequate compensation shall be available.

该司法解释又对婚姻无效和撤销的申请主体、宣告机关和申请程序等作出了较为详细的规定。Soon, the new judicial interpretation of Supreme People's Court issued the detailed statement about the applicant and declaratory government unit and procedure of void and revocable marriage.