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烟屑污染空气。Soot fouls the air.

排气管咳嗽烟尘。Tailpipes cough soot.

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墨水用煤灰和唾液来做。And ink from soot and spit.

这样就可以防氧化了嘛。The soot can resist oxidization.

烟囱几乎被烟垢堵塞了。The chimney is almost choked with soot.

烟灰使得烟成黑色,并熏黑了墙壁。Soot makes smoke dark and blackens walls.

这房间被烟灰熏黑了。The room was blackened with smoke and soot.

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但空气污染物最初的形态并不一定都是烟尘。But not all air pollution starts out as soot.

那些门窗被煤烟弄得很脏。The doors and windows were blurred with soot.

我就扫你们烟囱,裹煤屑睡觉。So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.

烟囱里冒出的黑色煤灰雨点般地从城市上空落下。The smokestacks rained black soot on the city.

即使是在60,000公里的换油期下,烟灰和油泥的含量也很低。Low levels of soot and sludge even at 60,000km.

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这麽说一点都不夸张,因为灰泥墙都熏黑了。Indeed, the wall plasters were covered with soot.

烟囱里面很快就会被煤烟覆盖。The inside of a chimney soon get covered in soot.

然后我用炉盖上的煤烟把它们擦亮。Then I shined them with soot from the stove lids.

藏文文籍的抄写用不朱凡是都是烟不朱。Tibitan ancient writing ink is always to soot ink.

燃烧的烟子也可以再循环利用。The imperfectly combusted soot can be reused again.

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妈妈告诉汤姆把烟囱里的黑灰扫掉。Mother told Tom to sweep the soot out of the chimney.

二是降低烟尘初始排放量和烟气黑度。Two is to reduce soot initial emissions and blackness.

骑自行车者比步行者更多。And cyclists had more soot in their lungs than walkers.