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出版哈尔伦纳德。Published by Hal Leonard.

打开别离舱门,美国经典片子。哈尔。Open the pod bay doors- HAL.

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哈尔最终意识到将要发生什么事情了Hal realizes what's going on.

高跳低开伞降方式。HAL High Altitude Low Opening.

哈尔和布巴赔着他一起去的。Hal and Bubba accompanied him.

这里是张保皋纪念馆。This is Zhang Baogao Memorial Hal.

赫尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please, Hal.

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哈尔,请打开辅助舱通道门。Open the pod bay doors, please. HAL.

“戴夫,我的思想要没了,”HAL可怜巴巴地说道。"Dave my mind is going" HAL says forlornly.

它试图阻止戴夫,这一点完全可以理解Hal tries to stop Dave, understandably enough.

赋予哈尔恐惧感,这似乎也是自然而然It seems perfectly natural to ascribe fear to Hal.

低音的CD。雅马哈。仅CD。出版哈尔伦纳德。Bass CD. Yamaha. CD only. Published by Hal Leonard.

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哈尔·厄恩斯金,PartnersFirst公司创办人兼总裁,做到了。Hal Erskine, the founder and president of PartnersFirst, did.

只花了一千个昼夜,哈尔和我就装配出了一辆崭新的汽车。In only a thousand days, Hal and I put together a brandnew car.

或者说是超级电脑,哈尔9000在照顾它。Or rather the new super-computer, HAL 9000, is looking after it.

哈尔在玻利维亚可持续发展组织和马普切人组织做志愿者。Hal has volunteered with Sustainable Bolivia and Asociacion Mapu.

在一次悲剧性的任务中,哈尔·霍恩被赏金猎人博斯克杀害。On one tragic mission, Hal Horn was killed by bounty hunter Bossk.

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其中的一个宇航员,发现了它的阴谋,试图阻止哈尔One of the astronauts, discovering the plot, attempts to stop Hal.

哈尔热中于网球,而他太太是投入绘画及雕刻。Hal goes in for tennis while his wife goes in for painting and sculpture.

但哈尔看似有凭有据地认为,人类只会威胁到任务的执行But Hal thinks to himself fairly plausibly, humans really screw things up.