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我们真的很般配。We just matched.

我已经配好对了。I’m already matched.

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有谁能与佩里克匹敌?Has anyone matched Perec?

这些队伍势均力敌。The teams were well matched.

这一对是按年龄配成的。The pair were matched for age.

为何你的气味和外表不相衬。But why thy odour matched not thy show.

是福建力佳股份有限公司的配套单位。We had matched for Fujian Lijia Share CO.

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我们做到了,另外有两个观察结果,So,,we’ve matched to that, and two observations.

米兰遭遇斯巴达队。Milan have been matched with Sparta Praha.

“爱情热线”撮合了许多对佳偶。Love Line has matched thousands of couples.

切换元素的可见状态。Toggles each of the set of matched elements.

我知道。两个拳击手的实力相当。I know. The boxers are really evenly matched.

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每一活塞组的重量配平公差不超过0.5克。Each piston set is matched to within 0.5 gram.

这家宾馆的饭菜质量和服务没有哪家能比得上。This hotel can't be matched for food and service.

记录一个已匹配的子串用作后面的参考引用。To mark a matched substring for future reference.

加布将在半决赛中和费伊较量。Gabb will be matched against Fay in the semifinal.

公爵把女儿嫁给了王子。The duke matched his daughter with the king's son.

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里德将在准决赛中与史东较量。Reed will be matched against Stone in the semifinal.

这是他前九场有的双杀数总数。That matched his total for his previous nine starts.

它由一个使用相同的算法的接收器匹配。It is matched by a receiver using the same algorithm.