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消防员放出水龙带。The fireman reeled the hosepipe out.

他们迅速将水龙带卷好。They reeled the hosepipe in rapidly.

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把这条软管装到院中的水龙头上。Rig this hosepipe to the tap in the yard.

在一大清早,把他丢进水沟,身上再放根水管。Put him in the scuppers with a hosepipe on him, early in the morning.

更搞笑得是还有人试图通过吹管子想让橡皮手套膨胀起来。Part of her performance involved attempting to inflate a rubber glove with a hosepipe.

在不能用水管再加上干旱的日子,它回应了每个园丁的祷告。In these days of hosepipe bans and droughts it is the answer to every gardener's prayer.

为什么总要扯出一个让她变成自来水管的话题呢?Why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe ?

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回到伦敦后,我会记住不去抱怨水表,或者不得使用水龙头软管的禁令。Back home in London. I'll remember not to complain about the water meter, or the hosepipe ban.

在第五本书开头的第一节里,一场萨里郡的旱灾促使了浇水管禁令的颁布。As the first chapter of book five begins, there is a drought in Surrey which has prompted a hosepipe ban.

软管是指沿海地面从座沉海底的水下储供油系统铺设到海面的橡胶管。Hosepipe is rubber pipe laid fr om the Submarine Stocking and Supplying System which is located on the seabed.

在整流柜中应用加氢除氧装置后,解决了水管腐蚀和水质下降问题。After applying hydrogenating deoxidization device in rectifier, the corrosion of hosepipe and the degradation of water quality were solved.

分析了整流装置出现的水管的水嘴腐蚀现象,介绍了加氢除氧装置的原理及组成。The corrosion appearing on water nozzle of hosepipe in rectifying device was analyzed, The principles and components of hydrogenating deoxidization device were introduced.

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有些犯人被守卫用橡胶软管抽打,有些被烟头烫烧,而有一些则被执行美国人称之为“水刑”的酷刑。Some prisoners have also been beaten with lengths of rubber hosepipe. Some have been burnt with cigarette ends and some have been put to what Americans call the "water torture".

美国国务卿希拉里不久前的北京访问给两国关系带来了暖意,但中美船员在南海上的喷水冲突为这份暖意降了降温。A hosepipe fight between US and Chinese sailors in the South China Sea has put a temporary dampener on the feelgood glow created by secretary of state Hillary Clinton's recent Beijing visit.

铁岭市鹿城胶管厂始建于1992年,位于全国著名笑星赵本山的家乡,辽宁省较大城市铁岭。Tieling city Lucheng Hosepipe Factory was set up in 1992. It lies in Tieling City, the bigger city of Liaonig Province, which is the hometown of Zhao Benshan, the famous comic star in our country.