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他的话使大家感到惊讶。His words astonished all.

她惊讶地看着我。She looked at me, astonished.

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听到这个消息你显得吃惊。You look astonished at the news.

沙威是不容易吃惊的。Javert was not easily astonished.

洛娜对他的话非常的震惊。Ilona was astonished at his words.

她那摄人心魄的美震惊了观众。Her captive beauty astonished the audience.

他们正在我这条街上盖新房子。I was astonished to see he got up so early.

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他听到获得了燎份工作而感到惊讶。He was astonished to hear he had got the job.

他竟然活了下来,使她大为惊讶。It astonished her that he was able to survive.

他发现她独自一人,也似乎很惊讶。He seemed astonished too, on finding her alone.

达西先生的行为叫她惊奇,也叫她烦恼。Mr. Darcy's behaviour astonished and vexed her.

我们对她的反应如此之快感到非常惊讶。We were quite astonished at her quick reaction.

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这个惊人的发现使得考古学家们感到非常的惊奇。The stunning find left archeologists astonished.

她以其秀媚的书法而使我惊诧。She astonished me with her beautiful handwriting.

天色已晚,我竟然能坐直起来,使我感到很惊讶。It is dusk and, as I sit upright, I am astonished.

那个男人退到一边,显然吃了一惊。The man dropped to one side, apparently astonished.

而郝斌饰演的爱神给人留下了震撼的映像。Hao Bin as Eros, meanwhile, left everybody astonished.

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看见他用手把一根铁棒掰成钩形,我们都惊呆了。We were all astonished to see him force a bar hooking.

那一百美元的礼物令那小女孩大为惊讶。The gift of hundred dollars astonished the little girl.

使我吃惊的是桌子上的那一箱美元。What astonished me was the box of dollars on the table.