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大东烤鸭。Da Dong Roast Duck.

烤鱼和面包。Roast fish and bread.

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把这鸭子好好烤烤透。Give the duck a good roast.

烤鸭多少钱一套?How much for the Roast Duck.

她几乎烧焦了烤肉。She almost burned the roast.

尝尝这个烤鸭。学习四柱双动油压机。Try some of this Roast Duck.

服务员,我叫的是半熟的烤牛肉。A well-marbled roast of beef.

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不行,我要烤牛肉。No, I'd like some roast beef.

这只羊的周围有几只小羊。They had roast lamb for lunch.

这只烤鸡吃口不错呀!The roast chicken is delicious.

我想要烤鸭和麻婆豆腐。I like roast duck and mapo tofu.

我可以推荐烤牛排吗?。May I recommend roast beefsteak?

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铲出烤肉到大浅盘中。Remove roast to serving platter.

有时候她做烧鸡。Sometimes she cooks a pot roast.

烤鸭的味道真好。The roast duck tastes delicious.

请多吃点烧鸭。Please have some more roast duck.

她饥饿地盯着烤肉看。She looked at the roast hungrily.

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这鸡烤得正到火候。This roast hen is done to a turn.

我们的烤羊肉很受欢迎。Our roast mutton is quite popular.

北京烤鸭以皮脆肉嫩而得以闻名。The Peking Roast Duck is delicious.