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下一步的货币干涉主义的逻辑是货币危机。The next step in the logic of monetary interventionism is a currency crisis.

今天我们所面临的问题根源就在于干涉主义,而重拾对无为而治自由市场理念的信心才是解决之道。The root of our problems lie in interventionism. Trusting the free market is the solution.

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政府干预的目的是防止个人行为干扰生产和消费活动。The aim of government interventionism is to control the productive and consumptive behavior of individuals.

有关干涉主义的不确定性,未来几个月可能影响价格."Uncertainty regarding interventionism could affect prices in coming months," they wrote of the election risks.

在一点上,李若谷,中国进出口银行的行长。在抨击美国在伊拉克的干涉主义。At one point Li Ruogu, Chairman of the Export-Import Bank of China, took a jab at U. S. interventionism in Iraq.

所以我不会预期中国人短时间内改变它在国际政治里的不干预做法。Thus I would not predict that Chinese would change its non- interventionism approach in international politics too soon.

伊斯兰国的产生是美国在伊拉克和叙利亚的干涉内政导致的产物,而这两场战争中国都是反对的。Islamic State is the direct consequence of US-led interventionism including war in Iraq and Syria, both of which China opposed.

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而欧洲人还乐此不疲,虽然有“自由干涉主义”在利比亚的回归,但后者也是令人忧虑和漠视的。The Europeans still cling to it, though, with the return of "liberal interventionism" in Libya, but it is anxious and halfhearted.

房地产的危机后,金融领域和政府债务,干涉主义的逻辑把我们带向货币危机。After crises of the real economy, the financial sector and government debts, the logic of interventionism leads us to a currency crisis.

凯恩斯的干预主义,尽管已经开始出现没落,在70年代中期还是被普遍信奉为经典。Keynesian interventionism was still the overwhelmingly dominant paradigm in the mid-1970s, though it was already on the cusp of decline.

第四,冷战后的美国霸权主义是在“新干涉主义”外表掩盖下的一种更具欺骗性和伪装性的霸权。Fourthly, American new hegemonism is a kind of hegemonism whose natures of fraudulence and guise are covered up by "new interventionism ".

布莱尔的“强势干涉主义”导致英国出兵海外4个冲突严重的地区——塞拉利昂、科索沃、伊拉克和阿富汗。Blair's "muscular interventionism" involved sending troops to fight in four serious conflicts – Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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其次,作为国家管理经济事物的方法或手段,“放任主义”与“干涉主义”又被并行不悖地统一起来。Secondly, as the method or means for the state to administrate economic activities, the "Laissez faire" and " Interventionism " are consolidated in parallel.

虽然价格歧视和低于成本销售可以是政府干涉市场的结果,但它们同时也可能完全是正常的市场行为。Although price discrimination and below-cost sales can result from government interventionism , they can also be due to perfectly normal marketplace behavior.

不止一个经济思想史学家强调巴斯夏在揭露保护主义、社会主义和干涉方主义基本原理方面的特殊才能。More than one historian of economic thought has emphasized Bastiat's special abilities in undermining the rationales for protectionism, socialism, and interventionism.

最后,作者详细分析了各种非正式意识形态对美国外交政策的功能和作用,尤其是美国外交中的“干涉主义”传统与各种非正式意识形态密不可分。In conclusion, the author analyzes in detail all kinds of informal ideology's function and effects performing on U. S. foreign policy, especially Interventionism. In U.

在如何运用法律管理国家经济问题上,始终存在着“放任主义”与“干涉主义”两种思潮。Interms of the problem on how to administrate the state economy using the law, there are two types of ideologies, "Laissez Faire" and " Interventionism " existing all along.

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这些考虑使得军官成为所有政务人员中最不易被国际自由主义和新保守主义冲昏头脑。This makes military officers, of all government professionals, the least prone to be led astray by the raptures of liberal internationalism and neo-conservative interventionism.

相比于更高程度的民粹主义和政府干预,市场会更喜欢一些宏观经济政策,虽然这些政策应对各种挑战效果不同。But those with more market-friendly macroeconomic policies will respond very differently to these challenges than those characterized by a higher degree of populism or state interventionism.

尼克松总统在1971年实行的工资和物价管控手段,尽管在开始的时候广受好评,注定是一个失败,从此,战后普遍工资和物价干预主义在发达国家销声匿迹。President Nixon's ill-fated, though initially immensely popular, wage and price controls of 1971 were among the last vestiges of postwar general wage and price interventionism in the developed world.