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他是个热忱的爱国志士。He is an ardent patriot.

她是热忱的爱国志士。She is an ardent patriot.

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周谷城是杰出的爱国主义者。Zhou Gucheng was an outstanding patriot.

沙文主义者的或与其有关的。Of or relating to a chauvinistic patriot.

你寄物柜里有个爱国者女娃娃?。Is that a Patriot Girl doll in your locker?

他是一个典型的封建时代的忠君爱国人物。He is a typical loyalist patriot of feudal times.

“我认为快接近五万了,”另一位爱国人士插了一句。"I'd call it nearer fifty, " said another patriot.

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如今这是中国爱国主义者支持的抗议活动啊!Now that is a protest a Chinese patriot can get behind!

张学良是伟大的爱国者和民族英雄。Peter H. L. Chang is a great patriot and national hero.

沈括是北宋一位出色的爱国者。Shen Kuo was an outstanding patriot in the North Song dynasty.

2006年投票支持爱国者法案的重新授权,但将修改该法案。Voted to reauthorize Patriot Act in 2006, but would revise it.

你们可以是爱国主义者,同时可以自豪地加入欧盟。You can be a patriot and be proud to enter the European Union.

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任何对中国人好的人我都喜欢,你知道的,我是个爱国主义者。I love anyone who is nice to Chinese. You know, I am a patriot.

头版的一个标题称他是“收藏家和爱国者”。In a front-page headline it said he was "a collector and a patriot".

要想相信这一点,你不仅仅要是一个爱国者,还要是一个沙文主义者。To believe this, you need to be not just a patriot but a chauvinist.

美国的爱国者导弹预计今年将在波兰部署。U.S. Patriot missiles are expected to be deployed in Poland this year.

真正的爱国主义者对自己的祖国是正直无私和忠心耿耿的。The true patriot desires righteousness and uprightness for ones own land.

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本地的一位视频制作者本·弗里德曼是当晚加入酒会的唯一一位政府支持者。The only other patriot to join me was Ben Freedman, a local video producer.

林则徐是我国近代史上伟大的爱国主义者,是我国近代史上第一位民族英雄。Lin Zexu, the first national hero in modern Chinese history is a great patriot.

他们也成为“爱国者”和战区高空区域防空系统的巨大运输力量。they also serve as heavy transporters for Patriot and THAAD air defense systems.