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在地下室,没有存东西的地方了。In the basement there's no room to stash.

大暗袋上包面,便于使用。Large stash pocket on pack face for easy access.

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选择将密码隐藏在在文件中的选项。Select the option to stash the password to a file.

即便我们说她确实藏起了一部分“戊巴比妥”胶囊。Well let's say she did have a hidden stash of Nembutal.

我原打算可以把他们在这里藏几天,谁想这么臭。Thought I could stash them in here a few days, but phew.

我们把零食藏在树堡中怎么样?What if we hid a secret stash of snacks in the tree fort?

这就像在冰箱里有个隐密的隔层放着冰淇淋。It's like having a secret stash of ice cream in the freezer.

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用梅森罐来保存一些零钱是一种有效地方法。Using a jar to stash spare change is a tried-and-true trick.

我脱下衣服,存放在抽屉里。I strip off my clothes and stash them in a locker. I wash up.

第四个房间,他们把红纸绑在藏肉制零食的地方。And in the fourth, they taped red paper to a stash of Slim Jims.

将得失深藏心底吧,为了那未来的生活。Stash away both what you lost and gained, for life continues on.

但大多数业余摄影师希望能塞在口袋里东西。But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket.

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被缴商品包括一些Prada的手袋,卡地亚珠宝和四个iPhone。The stash included Prada handbags, Cartier jewelry and four iPhones.

但是如果你决定将积蓄投入股票基金,那你就得冒更大的风险。But if you move your stash into stock funds you'll be taking more risk.

我自己的都快丢光了,于是琢磨着到哪儿能找到一个球盒。In case I lose any more of mine, I want to know where I can find a stash.

为减缓它们的腐败过程,应立即将它们放入雪柜贮藏起来。To slow the spoiling process, stash them in the refrigerator immediately.

伊朗可能会拉掉偷藏起来的核弹,把整个地球炸掉。Then iran might pull out its secret stash of nukes and blow up the planet.

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我拿了收藏的几种手工颜料用来简单地涂了树叶。I simply painted some of the leaves with various craft paints from my stash.

梅蒂,立一个新的卷宗标上“战时想法”,把这打在备忘录上,先撂在一边。Start a file on Wartime Ideas, Matty. Type up a memo on that and stash it away.

我们发现了一个藏私酒的地方,我想这个事你知道些什么。We've uncovered a stash of bootleg liquor and I think you know something about it.