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它属于一个资产注册表。It belongs to an asset registry.

这正是注册中心大显身手的地方。This is where the registry steps in.

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应该推行穆斯林登记制吗?Should there be a registry of Muslims?

导航到队列管理器日志注册表项。Navigate to queue manager registry entry.

瞧!我们到了学院注册处。Look! Here we are at the College Registry.

将此策略文档加载到注册中心。Load this policy document into the registry.

使用定制用户注册表联合用户Federating users using a custom user registry

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应该配置缺省文件注册中心。The default file registry should be configured.

导航到队列管理器日志注册表项。Navigate to the queue manager log registry entry.

10个最好的免费注册表清洁器。Read about the 10 best and free registry cleaners.

这是第二个版本的国际教育局注册表编辑器。This is the second version of IBE Registry Editor.

双击这个文件以将其导入到注册表中。To add this to the registry double-click the file.

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然后将注册表值添加到您的公司的项上。Then add the registry values to your company's key.

何时应将新服务添加到注册中心?When should a new service be added to the registry?

服务注册中心是该原理的核心内容。A service registry is at the core of this principle.

根注册中心充当键空间的授权机构。A root registry acts as the authority for key spaces.

轮流连接到每台机器的远程注册表Connect to the remote registry of each machine in turn

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如果启用全局安全性,则将需要一个注册表。If you enable global security, you'll need a registry.

找到注册表项的端口号在右窗格中。Locate the registry entry PortNumber in the right pane.

监察任何文件,目录,文件类型或注册处的关键。Monitor any file, directory, file-type or registry key.