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有一个圆形平顶和帽舌的帽子。A cap with a flat circular top and a visor.

好的,我喝,把它倒进我的面罩里。All right, I'll drink it. Pour it into my visor.

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将平面的帽舌加工成拱形的设备。The machine presses and irons cap visor to make curved.

有或者装有帽舌或者特定类型的帽舌。Having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind.

头盔内有氧气循环流动,除了供氧,还可以防止面罩雾化。Oxygen is circulated around the helmet to stop the visor misting.

头盔内有氧气循环流动,除了供氧,还可以防止面罩雾化。l Oxygen is circulated around the helmet to stop the visor misting.

剪辑调整和去,其中钩到的遮阳帽,并可以采取从汽车到汽车。Clip-tune-and-go which hooks to the visor and can be taken from car to car.

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2004年,美国已将微型语音测谎器嵌入眼镜结构的设计中。In 2004, the USA had embedded the voice lie detection system into visor design.

为了减轻重量后装载台被移除,但安-225保留机鼻遮阳板。To save weight the rearloading ramp is removed, but the An-225 retains the nose visor.

汤姆记起了一次童子军生存训练中教过的办法,便将遮阳板上面的镜子弄下来。Tom, remembering a scouting survival tip, cut the vanity mirror off the truck's visor.

我把头盔上的面罩提起来挤了挤鼻子,手套几乎冻结在鼻子上。At 80 mph on a motorcycle it's more like minus 30. I lifted my visor to squeeze my nose.

在他面罩的反光中还可以看到国际空间站的多个组件和下面的地球。Also visiblein the reflections of his visor are various components of the stationand the Earth below.

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汽车音响,陕西电动旅游观光车可配置遮阳帘或者透明雨帘,全天侯使用。The automobile sound, may dispose the visor curtain or the transparent rain curtain, all-weather uses.

在最后的决斗中,蒙哥马利轻挑长矛,将国王的遮阳板戳穿成碎片。In their final pass Montgomery's lance tilted up, and burst through the king's visor splintering to pieces.

我们拥有5年为丰田汽车配套生产遮阳板等内饰件的经验。We also have 5-year experience by cooperating with Toyota for automotive interior production, such as the sun visor.

他在阳光里眯著一双小眼睛,从帽檐下冷冷地打量这幢房子。Little close-set eyes squinting in the sun glare calmly surveyed the house from beneath the visor of his tight blue cap.

一顶皮檐便帽压齐眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮去了一部分。CAP with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face, burned and tanned by sun and wind, and dripping with perspiration.

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跑步时戴一个简单的带有吸汗带的鸭舌帽,就像头巾帽那样的,能够挡光、防治汗液进入眼睛。A simple visor with a sweat band, like a � Headsweats visor, will keep both the sun and sweat out of your eyes when you're running.

双色球预测后来在同一地点,而有一上午茶歇,玛丽身穿大遮阳板覆盖被告知她的头是不恰当的。Later at the same location, while having a morning tea break, Mary wearing a massive sun visor was told her head covering was inappropriate.

他扬起装甲的手,在半空中将头盔戴上,杰克看着奎瑞斯走开,巨大的脚在地面发出“哐哐”He raises the ‘suit’s hand, and slams the canopy shut like the visor of a helmet. Jake watches Quaritch walk past, huge feet CLANGING -- KUNG!