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戈姆利向他欢呼,打趣地说示威者在做“暖场演出。”Gormley jokingly hailed the protestor as "a warm-up act".

一个抗议者挥舞着一幅英国女王的画像。One protestor appeared to be waving a portrait of the British Queen.

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以上,有示威者在开罗中心向防爆警察投掷石块。Above, a protestor throws a rock at riot police assembled in central Cairo.

每个用户都可以编辑文档,把自己加入地图列表。Each protestor is able to edit the document and put her- or himself on the map.

一名抗议者说,取消影片是对美国人民的攻击。One protestor said that removing the video was an attack on the American people.

在捷克首都布拉格温瑟拉斯广场的集会上,抗议者站在海报后。A protestor stands behind a banner during a rally at Venceslas Square in Prague May 5, 2008.

华盛顿一个抗议者对路人说,“你知道这些钱正在打水漂吗?One protestor in Washington said to a passerby, "Do you know that this money is going to this trash?"

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团结进步联盟政府甚至不能遏制和平的抗议者,比如安纳·哈扎尔,别提遏制中国了,真是笑话。UPA Govt. can't even contain peaceful protestor like Anna Hazare, forget containing China. Its a joke.

在他们国家为什么要避免暴力,为什么宣称非暴力的藏独分子在他们国家也会产生暴力。Why they want to avoid violence, why the DL protestor who self-claimed nonviolence will generate violence.

今天,在某一个地方,在这个世界上,一位年轻的示威者知道将受到政府的残酷**,但她仍然有勇气大步前进。Somewhere today, in this world, a young protestor awaits the brutality of her government, but has the courage to march on.

今天,在某一个地方,在这个世界上,一位年轻的示威者知道将受到政府的残酷镇压,但她仍然有勇气大步前进。Somewhere today, in this world, a young protestor awaits the brutality of her government, but has the courage to march on.

当时的那位抗议者是一名中国记者,由于朝肖像丢红色墨水的蛋壳而被判处监禁16年。The protestor responsible, a Chinese journalist, spent 16 years in jail for hurling eggshells filled with red paint at the portrait.

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有趣的是这篇文章没有提到抗议者破用坏性手段来阻止人们参加。人们可以从中看到真相。Interesting how this article fails to mention the protestor disruptive tactics to prevent people from attending. The people see right through this.

就一小时前,我收到一封来自一名抗议者的信,他提到在抗议的时候,有人在他的背后开枪,但他们依然沿着街道呐喊抗议。I got an email from a protestor just about an hour ago, he said he was doing that, and somebody fired back at him but they kept yelling along walk bar, somebody is firing gunshot in retaliation.

以我的所见所闻,你可以问那些所谓的抗议示威者示威的原因,我敢肯定不同的示威者会给出许多不同的答案,有些听之合情合理,有些则不然。From what I have seen and heard, you could ask all of the so-called protestors what the basis of the movement is and you would get a different answer, logical or not, from each individual protestor.

我的儿子,他高一,也就是法国高中的第一年,他们堵住交通,直到一个愤怒的司机压过一个抗议者的脚,他们才散开回去吃披萨My son,when he was in Seconde, which is the first year of French high school, they were out blocking traffic until some angry driver rolled over the foot of a protestor and then everybody kind of went off and ate pizza.