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讨论了中子星内中子超流涡旋。Neutron superfluid vertex in neutron stars is discussed in this paper.

这种超流体的一个令人惊讶的性质是它向上流动。One of the astonishing properties of this superfluid is that it flows uphill.

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最终确定了一个适合该超流氦系统的较为理想的节流阀。Finally, an appropriate throttle valve was chose to serve the superfluid helium system.

作者发现了一种非均匀的超流相在相空间占主导地位。We shows that an inhomogeneous superfluid state is most widespread in the phase diagram.

以超流氦为对象,对其沸腾传热过程中的热声振荡现象进行了研究。The thermoacoustic oscillation during film boiling heat transfer in superfluid helium is studied.

另外还讨论了相对论性超流体中的涡旋量子化。The quantization of vortices has also been discussed in the relativistic superfluid in this paper.

钻孔压灌超流态砼桩施工工艺是一种新型灌注桩施工工艺。Drilling & grouting superfluid concrete pile is a new kind of construction technique for filling pile.

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例如,当取出一种费密子超流体,并把它转换到玻色子超流体时会出现什么现象?For instance, what happens when you take a fermionic superfluid and convert it into a bosonic superfluid?

相反地,玻色子喜欢挤在相同的量子态上,超流体中的氦四原子就是一个例子。Bosons , in contrast, prefer to collect in identical states, as demonstrated by helium 4 atoms in a superfluid.

在超流氦的沸腾实验中,随着静压液柱的降低,会出现不同的沸腾状态。With the decreasing of the immersion depth, different kinds of boiling modes appear in the superfluid helium II.

在正确的条件下,流体会转变成超流体,而后者由量子力学所支配,就算在巨观尺度下也一样。Under the right conditions, a fluid can turn into a superfluid , governed by quantum mechanics even on macroscopic scales.

在三相点温度以上,超流和正常相之间有二级相变。Above the critical point, the second-order phase-transition line between the superfluid and the normal phase is determined.

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这种“脉冲星故障”很可能源于中子星坚硬的地壳与超流内部的短暂作用。Such "pulsar glitches" likely result from brief interactions between the neutron star's solid crust and superfluid interior.

我们研究了耦合腔阵列系统中所发生的莫特绝缘到超流相变的刻画和探测。We have studied the characterization and detection of the Mott insulator to superfluid phase transition in the coupled cavity array systems.

从超流氦的机械热效应出发,构思了一种制取极低温的试验方法,并从理论上进行了分。Based on the mechanocaloric effect of superfluid helium, a new way to produce super low-temperature was conceived and analyzed theoretically.

在适当的条件之下,玻色子会成为整齐划一的复制兵团,例如雷射束中的光子或氦四超流体中的氦原子。Under the right conditions, bosons form regimented armies of clones, such as the photons in a laser beam or the atoms in superfluid helium 4.

我们增加势垒的高度,原子被束缚在势垒中,实现超流到莫特绝缘态。As the potential depth of the lattice is increased, the atoms are confined, a transition is observed from a superfluid to a Mott insulator phase.

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本文主要讨论BCS-BEC过渡区的BCS边在有限温度下动力学自旋结构因子的性质。In this paper we study the dynamic spin responses at finite temperatures in the superfluid state on the BCS side of the BCS-BEC crossover regime.

在以上的温度范围内进行实验,研究了在热脉冲作用下,发生在超流氦浴中的沸腾现象及其物理机制。Many experiments were conducted in order to understand the physical phenomena and mechanism after a heat pulse was released in superfluid helium.

人们认为这种超流体应该展现出玻色子在玻色子系统中的相互反应和费密子在费密子系统中的相互反应。One expects to see interaction between bosons in a bosonic superfluid system, and interactions between fermions in a fermionic superfluid system.