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你可以试试李阳疯狂英语。You can try Li Yang Cray English.

当然,克雷同样运行Linux操作系统。The Cray also, of course, runs Linux.

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克来公司的电脑发现了世界上最大的素数。Cray number crunchers discovered the largest prime number.

生活工作化,工作快乐化,成功疯狂化。We should believe that life is work , work is happy, success will be cray.

但另一个逃生舱也离开了太空站,里面装着克蕾的身体。But another escape pod had fled the station, and aboard was the body of Cray.

其实,克雷芒并没有活着看到圣米歇尔大教堂落成。In fact, Cray Mans did not live to see the completion of St. Michael's Cathedral.

原来在太空站毁灭前的最后时刻,克蕾同意让卡莉斯塔进入她的身体。In the final moments before the station's destruction, Cray had agreed to allow Callista to enter her body.

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克雷计算机拥有22万多个芯片,该机由美国田纳西州橡树岭国家实验室拥有。The Cray computer has more than 220, 000 chips and is owned by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.

虽然这是美女克蕾·明格拉的身体,卢克却能感觉到里面有所不同。Though it was physically the body of the beautiful Cray Mingla, Luke was able to sense a different presence within.

条例草案的罗斯柴尔德在他的小龙虾,克雷艾肯周二,看起来4月27日,2010年,他在花岗岩弹簧,纽约的家。Bill Rothschild looks at his crayfish, Cray Aiken, on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, at his home in Granite Springs, New York.

六月,这台超级计算机被科学家们评为世界上第五快的计算机,这些科学家一直在跟踪了解世界上的前五百台超级计算机。In June, Jaguar, a Cray Inc. system, was rated fifth-fastest in the world byresearchers who track the 500 top supercomputers.

中国国家气象局购买美国克雷公司的大型计算机,克雷公司只卖给我们两台处理器。When China's National Meteorological Bureau bought mainframe computers from Cray Inc. of the U. S. , it just sold us two processors.

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很长一段时间里它都是世界上最快的机器,控制数据公司的6600机器是由著名的计算机设计师西摩克雷设计的。For a time the fastest machine in the world, Control Data Corporation's 6600 machine was designed by noted computer architect Seymour Cray.

如今她却以出演哈利波特里那个邪恶的Bellatrix以及她在红地毯上的各种疯狂穿着而闻名。Now she's mostly known for being playing the evil Bellatrix from the Harry Potter movies and also for dressing all cray cray on the red carpet.

这是国际残奥委会主席克雷文在致辞前拾起场内的红叶纸花放入衣袋。This is the International Olympic Committee President residues in the text of the speech before the Cray picked up at the Hongye paper flowers into his pocket.

世界上最快的计算机仍然是捷豹克雷超级计算机,设在橡树岭国家实验室在美国田纳西州,用于模拟核武器的居多。The world's fastest computer remains the Cray Jaguar supercomputer, based at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, used mostly for nuclear weapons simulation.

正是志愿者的微笑、周到和热情感染了他,我想这也是克雷文在闭幕式致辞中专门提到香港、青岛、北京和中国的原因。Volunteers is the smiling, considerate and warm with him, I think this is Cray at the closing ceremony speech, the text specifically mentioned Hong Kong, Qingdao, Beijing and China's cause.