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其他关键共和党成员仍未表明态度。Other key Republicans remain undeclared.

对一些学生来说他们愿意选择一个没被申报的专业。For some students, having an undeclared major is appropriate for them.

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这是一场不宣而战的战争,我们每个人都必须参加,只有这样我们才能夺取胜利。This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for inorder for us to win.

建立恰当体系,收回含有不明过敏源的产品。To have appropriate recall systems for products containing undeclared allergens.

所有的专科学校和综合性大学中没被申报的专业对于他们来说是一个选择。There should be an option in all colleges and universities to have an undeclared major.

而且,未声明的变量具有全局范围,还会引起其他混淆。Furthermore, undeclared variables have global scope, which can cause additional confusion.

天野之弥在维也纳的会议上说,伊朗可能拥有没有申报的核材料以及核活动。Amano's meeting in Vienna that Iran may have undeclared nuclear material and nuclear activities.

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该工作队成立了恢复未申报的义务,数以亿万令吉。The task force was set up to recover undeclared duties, amounting to hundreds of millions of ringgit.

你知道,不宣而战的战事,无尽的战争,正义的战争,持久的战争,所有这些战事都看不到结束的日子。You know, undeclared wars, endless wars, good wars, long wars, and all kinds of wars with no end in sight.

世卫组织非常严肃地对待关于未申报利益冲突的指控,并立即开展调查。Allegations of undeclared conflicts of interest are taken very seriously by WHO, and are immediately investigated.

我们必须确保北韩没有保留秘密的浓缩铀项目、没有宣布或是没有发现的项目。We have to make sure there is no clandestine uranium enrichment program that is somehow undeclared and unexcavated.

例如,如果具有四个未声明变量的实例,则这些实例将分组到同一错误类别中。For example, if you have four instances of undeclared variables, these will be grouped into the same error category.

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当然,表示反对该法案的人,178人是共和党,28人是民主党。35人还没有决定。Of those who say that they are against the bill, well 178 are republicans, 28 are democrats, 35 right now, undeclared.

如果你未明确地申报专业,你将永远不能毕业,不论你花多少时间和精力用在你的功课上。If you remain undeclared indefinitely, you’ll never graduate no matter how much time and energy you invest in your lessons.

只有那些有着不为人所知的利益或是不可告人的秘密的人,才需要在评论产品时畏缩在化名背后。The only product reviewers who need to cower behind an alias are those with an undeclared interest or with something to hide.

她的小儿子,英俊,冷漠的贾迈勒,虽未正式宣布,但却明显已被选定为总统府的继承人数年。The younger son, the handsome, aloof Gamal, was for years the apparently anointed but undeclared heir to the presidential palace.

虽然我们在未申报的侵略,战争,伪善,诡计,无政府状态是我们的日常生活的一部分的世界上现在生活。Though we are now living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery , anarchy are part of our daily life.

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战斗在最后一个乘客被海关发现携带未申报物品时仓卒展开。The fighting started prematurely when the second to last passenger filing through customs was found to be carrying undeclared goods.

现今全球的旅行者们通过他们的托运及携带的行李把它们从全世界带到这里。Global travelers now bring in a steady supply from around the world, inconspicuously undeclared in checked bags and carry-on luggage.

在今年三月,美国国税局对于未申报海外资产的藏匿者,采用较为温和的措施,给予他们六个月的宽限期并减少罚金。But in March, the IRS began a six-month amnesty program that sweetened the offer with reduced penalties for people with undeclared assets.