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贴花是什么?。What is Applique?

帆船贴花中心胸部。Sailboat appliqué on center chest.

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手袋是一个伟大的贴花工艺项目。Bags are a great applique craft project.

补花艺术,在我国有着悠久的历史。Applique art has a long history in China.

你在做一贴花图案的项目?Are you making an applique pattern project?

福兴重视另一织物贴花。Fusing attaches applique to another fabric.

有些项目的工作与转移贴花。Some applique projects work with transfers.

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选择一个结束的开始缝合贴花。Pick one end to start stitching the applique.

贴花皮革感到胸部以上拱的标志。Appliqué leather over felt arch logo at chest.

有兴趣做一个心贴花图案?Interested in making a heart applique pattern?

棒球风格服从巨人感到前面贴花。Baseball-styled OBEY Giant felt appliqué at front.

获取有关在这个自由切割工艺技巧融合影片贴花。Get tips on cutting applique fusing in this free craft video.

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贴花贴花图案融合连接到您的项目。Applique fusing connects the applique pattern to your project.

珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。Bead-work, applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch.

了解如何使用图片,使一本免费视频贴花。Learn how to use a picture to make an applique in this free video.

了解如何融合一个贴花图案在这个自由的心工艺影片。Learn how to fuse an applique heart pattern in this free craft video.

这是一个好主意,开始像拼接曲线奇点一贴花。It is a good idea to start stitching an applique in an odd spot like a curve.

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要小心,不要剪断松弦太接近缝线的贴花。Be careful not to snip loose strings too close to the stitches of an applique.

了解如何在这个自由工艺削减为您的影片贴花项目的旗帜。Learn how to cut the banner for your applique project in this free craft video.

木纹画是一门精湛的纯手工剪刻工艺。Wood grain applique carving is an exquisite workmanship of handmade carving arts.