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但是黑暗面是有诱惑力的。But the dark side of the force is seductive.

如此鼠标既养眼又倾情!So the mouse is a seductive and dedecates road!

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“处女”味很清爽,有点细细粉粉的感觉,同时又甜蜜而诱人。It was powdery and clean, yet seductive and sweet.

叶芝诗歌的音律是,也旨在达到诱惑性的目标。The sound of Yeats was, and was meant to be, seductive.

飞翔的梦就是引诱者的引诱之梦。The dream of flight is the dream of a seductive seducer.

但对于很多人来说,比如KD,手术仍然是一个诱人的选择。Yet for many, like KD, surgery remains a seductive option.

卡科充满诱惑的召唤引来了艾拉·塞库拉。The seductive call of Karko beckoned to young Aayla Secura.

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娇声娇气催你快,咱们本日来角逐。Urges you to be quick in a seductive voice, we compete today.

在性上不能催促,但是他们本身诱惑力十足。You cannot rush them in sex but they are gloriously seductive.

她的身段比较苗条,因此比娜塔丽更加诱人。Her figure was slighter and therefore more seductive than Natalie.

成装上身后,既高雅妩媚,又平添诱人魅力。Install behind both elegant and charming, and add seductive charm.

成装上身后,既漂亮妩媚,又倍添诱人魅力。Install behind, was beautiful and charming and add seductive charm.

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她不应该穿这件相当诱惑人的紫衣服去。She shouldn't wear her rather seductive purple dress for the journey.

它伸展着叶子,毫无保留地展示着美丽,我的小妖精。It spreaded the leaves, showing the beauty unreservedly, my seductive.

博物馆里塞满了华美的引人注目的权利的碎屑。Museums are filled with the beautiful and seductive detritus of power.

塔姆西是个有钱人,过着放纵而颓废的生活。Tamsin is rich, spoilt and trying to live a life of seductive decadence.

这家公司在计划跟我们的合并时给我们提出了有诱惑力的条件。This company gives us a seductive offer on engineering the merger with us.

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同时你也听到了关于女性闪亮新主张,也提到了诱惑力。And you also hear about the feminine glamour attitude to have to be seductive.

有谁在天生的魅力之外,还能像张国荣那样流露出迷人的傲慢?Did anyone bring to the gift of glamour the seductive insolence Leslie exuded?

前景诱人,但是它可能证明在某种程度上仅仅就是一头白象而已。It's a seductive view. But it may yet prove to be something of a white elephant.