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一条与曲面相切的直线。And that line is tangent to the surface.

方向就是轨道的切线方向。The direction is tangent to the trajectory.

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我们用函数的切平面来替代它的图像。We are replacing the graph by its tangent plane.

也就是,在单位圆上,F是曲线的切线。So, on the unit circle, F is tangent to the curve.

那么如果我选择了任何位于切平面的向量。Then, if I choose any vector in that tangent plane.

它是与等值面相切的,对不对?It's going to be tangent to the level surface, right?

实际上,△r完全不与任何一点相切。Actually, delta r is not strictly tangent to anything.

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返回指定角度的双曲正切值。Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.

存储非普通空间的法向量,例如,正切空间。Store normals in generic space, e. g. , tangent space.

一个凹函数的图象总在它的切线的下方。The graph of a concave function is always below its tangent.

这就和“与等值面相切”说的一样了。And, that's the same thing -- as being tangent to the level.

速度向量总是与曲线相切的。So, the velocity vector is going to be always tangent to the curve.

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这上面有一个帽子表示它是单位矢量,T表示它是切线。It has a hat because it's a unit vector, and T because it's tangent.

想象一条处处连续但处处没有切线的曲线。Imagine a curve that is continuous everywhere but can have no tangent.

这里向量变为与曲线相切,那n上的分量就是0了。And here maybe the field is tangent so the normal component becomes zero.

二是采用双曲线正切函数柔化输入矢量。Another is to intenerate the input vectors by hyperbola tangent function.

如果我们在切平面上移动,这将会是一个真正的等式。If we were moving on the tangent plane, this would be an actual equality.

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切测度可用来刻画一个测度的局部性态。Tangent measures can be used to describe the local behavior of a measure.

本文给出了切线极坐标下的齿轮啮合方程式。The mesh equations of gears are given by tangent polar coordinate system.

我选择了一个圆圈,是因为我的手绘路径使得切线不断变化方向。I chose a circle because my hand-drawn paths made the tangent jump around.