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那天天气很热,赤日炎炎。That weather is very hot, Chiri hothead.

别让他开车,他是一个鲁莽性急的人…Don't let him drive the car. He is a hothead.

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一个很容易生气的人被叫做hothead。A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead.

一个容易愤怒的人被叫做“性急的人”。A person who becomes angry easily is called "a hothead".

土耳其在背后捅了俄罗斯一刀。埃尔多安是一个性急的人。Turkey stabbed Russia in the back. Erdogan is a hothead.

你能想象被一些冲动的家伙挑衅仅仅是因为他的妹妹想见见你?Or some hothead trying to challenge you because his sister wants to meet you?

当办公室压力高涨到顶峰的时候,他就知道该让办公室里性急的人出去透透气了。When office stress hits its peak, he knows the hothead to take out of the office.

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咱们在会谈时都要保持开诚布公。我希望你不像你大哥桑儿那样头脑容易发热,跟他无法谈正经事。I hope you're not a hothead like your brother Sonny. It's impossible to talk business with him.

虽然专门为自行车设计,但同样适和方便于日常工作,在汽车里,或者徒步旅行和露营。Though specifically designed for cycling, the Hothead is equally handy at work, in the car, or when hiking and camping.

防头热头盔会在球员中暑之前让他们下场,自1995年来因中暑而死的球员已经多达39名。A Hothead helmet will get football players off the field before heat stroke sets in, a problem that’s killed 39 players since 1995.

一个易于发怒的人被叫做hothead,一个发怒的人脖子经常变红,我们会称作他领子里面变红了。A person who becomes angry easily is called a hothead. An angry person's neck often becomes red. We say he is hot under the collar.

就像其他缓解紧张的高手一样,咖啡密友也能够掌握绝佳的时机。当办公室压力高涨到顶峰的时候,他就知道该让办公室里性急的人出去透透气了。Like all tension tamers, the coffee buddy has good timing. When office stress hits its peak, he knows the hothead to take out of the office.

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我们独特的三路安装系统允许此杯进行与我们的自行车很好的或取拿。Our unique Three Way Mounting system allows the Hothead to be carried on a bike with our integrated holder and carry handle, or in bottle cages.

这个产品有所有真正的不锈钢热水瓶的优势,更加为自行车运动多用-可以装热咖啡和热茶水和热水。The Hothead thermal bottle brings all the advantages of a real stainless steel thermos to the cycling community – great for coffee and tea aficionados.

据说我们氏族的这位创始人在1500年以前被流放出爱尔兰,因为他是个暴躁的家伙,总是把他的家族卷入干架,遂被他的家族断绝了关系。The founder of the Clan supposedly wasexiled 1, 500 years ago from Ireland because he was a hothead whom his familydisowned for embroiling them in fights.

奇怪的是,在这些突变种的子代中,有少数会自动修复好其中一个基因上的突变,恢复成正常版本。Strangely, in a few percent of the offspring of Lolle and Pruitt's mutants, one copy of hothead spontaneously reverted to the normal version, repairing its point mutation.

龙是十二生肖中最重要最强大的一个属相,看似挺幸运,不过属龙的人却是个急性子,说话尖酸刻薄,名声很臭!Seemingly born under a lucky star, the dragon is the most vital and powerful of any in the Chinese zodiac, although with an infamous reputation for being a hothead – and possessing a sharp tongue!