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在大洋洲上贴一只树袋熊。Stick a koala on Oceania.

大洋国同东亚国作战。Oceania is at war with Eastasia.

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同船乘客的年龄从30岁到80岁,大部分来自大洋洲。My fellow passengers were aged between 30 and 80, and mainly from Oceania.

金海湾将成为马来西亚依斯干达首屈一指的海滨发展。Oceania point will be Malaysia, dry reach second to none in coastal development.

大洋洲是一块单独的陆地,但它与亚洲之间只隔着很浅的海域。Oceania is a separate landmass, but it is separated from Asia by very shallow water.

这就是1984年的伦敦,也就是大洋国一号机场省的主要城市。This, in 1984, is London, chief city of Airstrip One, a province of the state of Oceania.

柔佛新山金海湾是一个沿着新柔海峡而建的旅游景点。Johor new mountain Oceania point is a new soft strait built along the tourist attractions.

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在音乐中出现的热带环礁大洋洲和地中海的巴利阿里群岛的阳光海滩。In music arise sunny beaches of tropical atolls of Oceania and the Mediterranean Balearic Islands.

七大洲是指亚洲,欧洲,非洲,北美洲,南美洲,大洋洲和南极洲。Theseven continents are Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania and Antarctic.

七大洲是指亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲和南极洲。The seven continents are Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania and Antarctic.

直到20世纪,据传大洋洲的斐济岛和其它岛屿上还有人使用头骨杯。And as late as the 19th century, skull-cups were reportedly used in Fiji and other islands in Oceania.

大洋洲最佳足球运动员的称号对鲁费尔来说也许还值得商榷,但他无疑是新西兰有史以来最伟大的足球运动员。New Zealand's great ever player, Wynton Rufer is also arguably the best ever layer from the Oceania region.

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比较了1995年至2009年的死产率之后发现,撒哈拉以南非洲和大洋洲的进展最慢。Comparing stillbirth rates in 1995 to 2009, the least progress has been seen in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania.

大洋洲是在地理大发现的白银时代才呈现在欧洲人面前的。Only during the Silver Age of the Great Geographical Discovery did Oceania appear to the eyes of the Europeans.

大洋洲的总面积约有8,935,500平方公里,包括在行政区划上属于亚洲的伊里安岛。The total area of Oceania is about 8,935,500 square kilometres, including West Iran which is political in Asia.

在这些参展国中,有50个来自非洲,33个来自美洲,45个来自欧洲,45个来自亚洲以及16个来自大洋洲。Of the participating countries, 50 are from Africa, 33 from America, 45 from Europe, 45 from Asia and 16 from Oceania.

由于大洋国各地之间没有相互联系,这件事不难安排。In the absence of any real inter-communication between one part of Oceania and another, this was not difficult to arrange.

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金海湾•凤池岛,一个完美融入大海、酣畅淋漓的奢享世界。The Phoenix Island, the Oceania Point, is a world of great luxury and indulgence that is perfectly integrated into the sea.

新西兰也是那些来自大洋诸岛大约170,000岛民的家园,他们大多定居在北岛的奥克兰。New Zealand is also home to about 170,000 Pacific Islanders from Oceania who have settled mainly in Auckland in North Island.

产品远销欧洲、南美、北美、东南亚、非洲、大洋洲等世界各国或地区。Products have been exported to Europe, South America, North America , Southeast Asia, Africa and Oceania countries or regions.