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他编写了这部战争史。He wrote the chronicle of China.

每块崩碎剥落的石头都是一部编年史。Every mouldering stone was a chronicle.

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我一般不会特意去读这个报纸,I don't particularly read San Francisco Chronicle.

针对订阅规则触发跳过的量程数。Number of quantums skipped for chronicle rule firings.

彼得哈特劳伯在“洛杉矶纪事报”称,这个小丑是最好的。Peter Hartlaub said it best for The San Francisco Chronicle.

哥伦布按序仔而详尽次航程。Columbus kept a careful and detailed chronicle of his voyages.

那麽新购这真是怪胎,墓葬为芙蕾雅编年史。Well a new share this is really freak, tombs for freya chronicle.

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而这本书是关于弗兰克医生在集中营中真实经历的一部自传。The book is a chronicle of his experiences in a concentration camp.

也许第一个记述这一梦想的要算是希腊的讽刺作家露西安了。Perhaps the first to chronicle this dream was the Greek satirist Lucian.

清代是安徽方志发展的鼎盛时期。The Qing Dynasty is the Anhui local chronicle development prosperous time.

编年史很难突出一家一姓,而这正是纪传史所长。Chronicle difficult to focus on a one surname, which is Shisuo Chang Chi Chuan.

年谱的出现为谱学发展开辟了一条新的途径,是史学发展的一个重要方面。Biographical Chronicle opens a new road for the development of family tree study.

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那个阿拉伯人探过身子,轻轻拉动朋克音乐家打开的那张旧金山纪事。The Arab leans over, flicks the edge of the punk rock musician's opened Chronicle.

“旧金山纪事报”和“费城询问报”也在即将倒闭的威胁中。The San Francisco Chronicle and the Philadelphia Inquirer are under threat of closing.

另一部讲述卡拉斯生平的英国电影是在今年夏天传出消息的。News of a second British film project to chronicle the life of Callas came in the summer.

他是一个行刑官,书中记述了他成为世界统治者的历程。His profession is torturer and the books chronicle his rise to power as ruler of the world.

“他们是世人皆知的名企鹅,”原保育员安东尼·布朗在接受采访时称。"They are world-famous penguins, " Anthony Brown, their primary keeper, told the Chronicle.

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所以,江南的艺术地志学中带有一种挥之不去的“乡愁”。Hence, a persistent sense of nostalgia exists all through Jiang Nan's local chronicle of art.

这组特别报道将按时间顺序叙述云的前世今生并预测它的未来。This special report will chronicle the rise of the cloud and try to predict where it is heading.

我的208人史蒂文布里尔对采访他的教育,改革纪事阶级斗争之一。I am one of 208 people Steven Brill interviewed for his education-reform chronicle Class Warfare.