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布拉马特拉河在中国境内被称为雅鲁藏布江。Brahmaputra river is known as as Yarlung Zangbo in China.

黄土高原是世界最大的黄土地貌。Brahmaputra Grand Canyon is the biggest canyon in the world.

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唐古拉山以南,就是赫赫有名的雅鲁藏布江。Tanggula Mountains to the south of the Brahmaputra is famous.

尼洋河风光带是雅鲁藏布江大峡谷旅游开发的一部分。Niyang River is part of the tourist development of Brahmaputra Canyon.

著名的雅鲁藏布江是世界最高河流,境内全长2050公里。The famous river Brahmaputra is the highest in the world, 2050 kilometers in length.

当时的计划是把布拉马普特拉河以北的领土让给中国人。The stage was being set for surrendering all territory north of the Brahmaputra to the Chinese.

在雅鲁藏布江大拐弯,江水拐了一个决定性的弯,转而出境流向了印度。The Great Bend is the place, where the Brahmaputra takes a decisive turn and flows towards India.

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中国媒体报道显示,藏木坝工程将不会是雅鲁藏布江上最后的一个。Chinese media reports indicated that the Zangmu project is unlikely to be the last on the Brahmaputra.

而在雅鲁藏布江以北的阿萨姆邦,排水沟边的陡峭阶梯会成为大象们的陷阱。Elephants have become trapped in steep-sided drainage ditches in parts of Assam north of the Brahmaputra.

雅鲁藏布江上的第二座大坝位于蔵木大坝的下游12公里的地方,目前正在规划之中。The second dam on Brahmaputra is now in planning stage. And would come up at 12 KM downstream from Zangmu dam.

来自两条大河,恒河和雅鲁藏布江的养分滋润着地势低洼的恒河三角洲的稻谷。Nutrients from the two great rivers of Ganges and Brahmaputra feed the soil of the paddies in the low-lying Ganges Delta.

来自纳木那尼等冰川的季节性径流为印度河、恒河以及雅鲁藏布江的亚洲次大陆部分提供水源。Seasonal runoff from glaciers such as Naimona'nyi feeds the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers in that part of the Asian subcontinent.

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中国已经提出了在雅鲁藏布江上建筑多达六个大水坝,中国已经在其他大江大河上建成了十几座这样的大水坝。China proposes to build as many as six big dams in the region on the Brahmaputra in addition to a dozen or so it has already constructed.

把雅鲁藏布江和羊卓雍湖隔开的是一条延绵约360多千米的山脉,藏族人民把它叫做拉轨岗日山。Brahmaputra and the Lake is a separate stretches over 360 kilometers around the mountain, the Tibetan people call it La-track Kangri Hill.

中国正致力于在雅鲁藏布江上修建世界上最大的水电站水坝,雅鲁藏布江对印度农业至关重要。China is currently at work on constructing the world's largest hydroelectric dam on the Brahmaputra river, which is vital for Indian agriculture.

在雪域高原腹地,雅鲁藏布江边,派乡犹如藏在深闺的少女,诗一般美丽、梦一样迷人。Hinterland of the snowy plateau, the Brahmaputra side, as if the possession of rural school girls in purdah, poetic beauty, charming, like a dream.

印度政府最近一次正式得到中国将从布拉马普塔拉河分流调水的消息是在2006年11月,也就是胡锦涛主席计划访问印度前夕。The last time India officially heard about the diversion of the Brahmaputra was in November 2006 when President Hu Jintao was going to visit India.

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这个延续十多年的争执将对印度管理与中国分享水资源的雅鲁藏布江问题具有至关重要的意义。The dispute, which stretches to over a decade, could hold crucial lessons for India in managing water-sharing issues with China over the Brahmaputra river.

这一项目不仅对青藏高原造成严重威胁,还威胁到了印度和孟加拉,因为雅鲁藏布江在那里是布拉马普特拉河和贾木纳河。The project would pose a serious threat not only to the Tibetan Plateau but to India and Bangladesh, where the Yarlung becomes the Brahmaputra and Jamuna rivers.

雅鲁藏布江穿过阿萨姆邦,他也被称为“雅鲁藏布江畔的吟游诗人”,他在孟加拉国和北印度都有唱片出版,为无数印度电影演唱插曲。Known as Bard of the Brahmaputra after the river that flows through Assam, he also recorded in Bengali and Hindi, singing the soundtrack for numerous Indian films.