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你把它拿到药房去取药。Please take it to the dispensary.

他从学校的医务室买了一些药片。He bought some pills from the dispensary.

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这是我开的处方,请拿它到药房取药。Here's my prescription. Please take it to the dispensary.

这是我开的处方,请拿它到药房取药。Here's my prescription. Please take it to the dispensary.

把这张药方拿到配药处去配药。Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.

你在说什么?大家好,欢迎来到一年一度的,沙龙名媛社交舞会。What are you talking about?Hello and welcome to the annual dispensary cotillion And debutante ball.

那是你的处方。把它拿到药房去交给药剂师,他会告诉你该怎么服药的。Here is your prescription . Take it to the chemist at the dispensary and he will tell you the dosage.

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对药房的管理有独到之处。工作勤劳、努力、踏实。She is laborious, studious and surefooted at work and has the original method in the management of dispensary.

分析基层医院中药房管理存在的问题,并探讨改进对策。To analyse the existent problems in dispensary of TCM in grass-roots hospitals, and discuss the improving measures.

采购产品香水,糖果,大米,豆类,糖,糖蜜及促蛋白合成类。Perfumes, Confectionary , Rice, Pulses, Sugar, Molasses and Anabolic Harmones From British Dispensary. Confectionaries.

它在消解与失序中被无休止的复制与模仿,给我们一个无止尽的仿真系列。The culture is duplicated and imitated endlessly in dispensary and disorder, which gives us endlessly simulational series.

我们要采购香水,糖果,大米,豆类,糖,糖蜜及促蛋白合成类。We want to buy Perfumes, Confectionary, Rice, Pulses, Sugar, Molasses and Anabolic Harmones From British Dispensary . Confectionaries.

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在国内药学刊物上发表论文数篇,曾参与“放心药房”的创建工作。What's more, she has published several dissertations on Chinese pharmacy publications and participated in the foundation of "safe dispensary".

方法根据工作实践,分析住院药房拆零口服药品的管理和使用现状。Methods The current situation of management and dispensing of dismounted oral medicine in the inpatient dispensary of our hospital was analyzed.

这对夫妻,男方是医生,女方是注册护士,在堪萨斯州经营一家非法处方药“黑药店”。The husband and wife, he a doctor and she a registered nurse, had been running a “pill mill” – an illegal prescription drug dispensary – in the state of Kansas.

该中心最著名的是它的草药和营养药房,提供高品质的草药产品和营养产品以及混合配方。CNH is known for its unique herbal and nutritional dispensary , which supplies the highest quality herbal and nutritional products and custom blended formulas available.

本报从沈阳的几所综合性医院了解到,目前挂号、收费、取药等候时间在一般时间可以达到这个标准,但是一旦遇见高峰这个时间很难达到。According to some local general hospitals, the required waiting time of registration, pricing and dispensary is likely, but it is very hard to achieve the target at rush hour.

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在爱丁堡大学读医多年,我毕业后就在中国当军医抗战,之后才回到父亲林萃龙医生的思明药房行医。This started with my medical studies at Edinburgh University until I returned to work as a medical practitioner with my late father Dr. Lim Chwee Leong, at the Su-Beng Dispensary.

实际上是因为有一个慈善兽医服务系统,它由患病动物的药房所运营,在交付时点提供免费服务。The fact is, however, that there is a charitable system of veterinary services, free at the point of delivery, for poor dogs, run by the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals, the PDSA.