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照常进行转换。Transform as usual.

蛴螬变成甲虫。Grubs transform to beetles.

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物体变换的父级。The parent of the transform.

你可以改变你的人生!You can transform your life!

调息可以改变你的生活。Breathing can transform your life.

即我们常说的快速傅里叶变化。Yes, FFT is Fast Fourier Transform.

这将改变我的人生“This is going to transform my life."

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皮诺曹变成一头驴了吗?为什么?Did Pinocchio transform into a donkey?Why?

为什么斯喀把可奈变成了一头熊?Why did Sitka transform Kenai into a bear?

喷点漆就能让这辆旧车变个模样。A little paint will transform this old car.

我设计的衣服可以转变成许多风格。My clothes can transform into lots of styles.

每个组件和链接都必须进行转换。Each component and link must have a transform.

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ICT如何改变国际政治?How does ICT transform international politics?

如何转变为精实企业?How do I transform to become a lean enterprise?

乘以选择的变换的比例值。Multiplies the scale of the selected transform.

我们如何将一种文件类型转换为另一种类型?How do we transform one type of file to another?

它们不能蜕变一个人,它们只能严重削弱一个人。It does not transform man, it only cripples man.

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他强调︰「有很多人曾帮助我改善生活。So many people have helped me transform my life.

好男人全是在被女人伤过后,才学得变坏。Good man transform to bad man, because been hurt.

能把一个骗子改造成一个诚实的人。He can transform a cheater into an honest person.