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是的。我们有平装本和精装本。Yes. We have both the paperback and the hardcover.

那原字典无精装版吗?。Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?

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我已订购了这本词典的平装本。I've ordered the paperback edition of the dictionary.

帕斯基把福楼拜那本小说的平装本扔了进去。Persky tossed in a paperback copy of Flaubert's novel.

没有你的日子就像一夲没有书页的书。Every day without you is like a paperback without pages.

航班时刻表——一本娱乐性的平装本小说。Flight Schedule- An entertaining work of paperback fiction.

新版平装本将于今年8月面世。New copies of the paperback edition will come out in August.

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目前为止,他已经卖出了230本平装本和20本电子书。So far he has sold about 230 paperback copies and 20 e-books.

我们有精装本,袖珍本,和平装本。We have hardcover version, pocket version, and paperback one.

因为我知道很多的阅读小组正在等待简装本的发售。I know a lot of groups were waiting for the paperback release.

1935年企鹅出版社出版了第一套经典著作平装书。Penguin Books launched the first set of reprints in paperback.

我们有精装本,袖珍本,和平装本。We have a hardcover version, pocket version, and paperback one.

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而且,一本平装书不会有什么让你从印刷的文字中分心。Also, a paperback offers no distractions from the printed words.

一本平装书读起来确实太万能、太方便了。A paperback is just a too versatile and easy device to read from.

这本书的大部分销量贡献来自于它的平装本。Most of the sales have been of the paperback edition of the book.

那本小说的精装本卖了二十万册,平装本卖了两百万册。The novel sold200,000 copies in hardcover and2 million in paperback.

我手边恰好有一本简装书,使得我尽管没有打成桥牌却也过得很愉快。I had the kind of paperback at hand to make being the fifth at bridge a joy.

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它被翻译成八种语言,出版了大量的简装版。Eight translations were made of it, and there were numerous paperback editions.

和以往的Kindle一样,Fire也差不多是一本较薄的中等尺寸的平装书大小。Like Kindles past, the Fire is roughly the size of a thin, medium-sized paperback.

在书店,这些精装本与平装本价格相同。The hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback this week in the bookshop.