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她想那也许就是亚力克了。She thought that might be Alec.

“你还不能走。”艾里克说。"You can't leave yet, " Alec said.

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当苏有朋说的时候,他的眼睛在闪光。Alec Su's eyes glistens as he talks.

女人真正想要的是艾力克鲍德温。What women really want is Alec Baldwin.

主唱,键盘手,吉他手,口琴,龙舌兰。Alec – Lead Vocals, keyboards, guitar, harmonica, tequila.

简和亚力克是有血缘关系的吗?他们是怎么加入沃尔图里的?Q. Are Jane and Alec related? How did they join the Volturi?

杰克·瑞恩后来由阿历克·鲍德温扮演。The Jack Ryan role went to then character-actor Alec Baldwin.

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亚历克·德贝维尔把雪茄烟从嘴上拿下来,向她弯下腰去,说。Alec d'Urberville removed his cigar, bent towards her, and said.

相比较而言,艾里克是她见到的最没有雄心壮志的人。By comparison, Alec was the least ambitious man she had ever met.

蒂姆伯顿电影里,艾里克鲍德温坑坑洼洼的脸上就是鼻子灰常突出。Alec Baldwin's snout-stretched scare face from the Tim Burton haunter.

亚历克对于相处不顺的情况也提出了建议。Alec also offers advice for when relationships don’t work out so well.

她请他让马慢下来,改跑为走,亚历克照着办了。She begged him to slow the animal to a walk, which Alec accordingly did.

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亚历克·道格拉斯-霍姆爵士同我交谈时暴露了这个问题。The problem came to the surface in an exchange between Sir Alec Douglas-Home and me.

亚历克认识到他可能把他的钱和时间花得更划算些,就决定退伙了。Alec decided to cash in as he realized he might spend his time and money more wisely.

在书中,亚历克建议男性要为的举止好榜样。In his book, Alec suggests that men find a cool role model to base their behaviour on.

亚历克“杨是投资评级公司——标准普尔公司的股权策略师。Alec Young is an Equity Market Strategist at the investment-rating firm Standard & Poor's.

亚力克·鲍德温扮演的这个角色性感的有点荒谬,并将杰克这个角色驾驭的游刃有余。In this role, Alec Baldwin is ridiculously hot, and completely comfortable in Jack’s skin.

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虽然身为年少的爱情专家,但亚历克说自己的生活中除了母亲还没有其他女士。junior love-guru status, Alec says there are no ladies in his life, aside from his mother.

尽管你毫发未损地过了这一关,艾瑞克的计划仍然非常有用。Although you have survived this ordeal safe and sound, the plan of Alec is still very useful.

一个主持足以——好吧,史蒂文·马丁让偶很期待,至于艾里克·鲍德温就不好说了。One Host -- Yeah, I’m looking forward happily to Steve Martin, and nervously to Alec Baldwin.