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将毛线剪为比圆直径约长1英寸的线段。Cut the yarn approx. 1″ longer than the diameter of your circle backer.

靠山山会倒,靠人人会跑,只有自己最可靠。Backer mountain would pour, by everybody will be run, only your most reliable.

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合成猪皮面料和柔软的氯丁橡胶的支持者提供下对皮肤的舒适度。Synthetic pigskin lining and soft neoprene backer delivers next-to-skin comfort.

每个表的堆栈是结合靠山表的硬纸板或重磅纸。Each stack of sheets is combined with a backer sheet of chipboard or heavy paper.

南非加盟金砖集团,最大的支持者就是其头号贸易夥伴——中国。South Africa's biggest backer for BRIC has been its largest trade partner, China.

穆萨说,黎巴嫩反对派的主要支持者叙利亚支持这项计划。Moussa said it is supported by Syria, which is a main backer of the Lebanese opposition.

尤文的支持者埃尔坎自信的表示我们将在夏季后留下所有的明星。Juventus backer John Elkann is confident they can hold onto their best players over the summer.

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他讲到,“我在2006年9月找到了第一个支持者,次年我们就批到了拍片的准许证。”I found my first backer in September 2006, and we got the permit to make the movie the following year.

韦兰德是鲍林的主要支持者和合作者,但在对共振意义的理解上与鲍林产生了分歧。Wheland was the main backer and co-worker of Pauling but he didn't agree with Pauling on the meaning of resonance.

平常,最受欢迎的的俱乐部是“4月25日”,它是以他的赞助人--朝鲜人民军队的成立日命名的。Usually, the dominant club side is April 25, named after the founding date of its backer – the Korean People's army.

电梯内销售概要是指用两到三句话概括一个产品、一个提案或一个项目,向潜在的买家或赞助人做介绍。An elevator pitch is a 2-3-minute speech summarizing a product, proposal, or project for a potential buyer or backer.

许多巴基斯坦人公开表明他们渴望中国取代美国成为巴基斯坦的主要国际支持者。Many Pakistanis are now open in their desire that China replace the United States as Pakistan’s main international backer.

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这个欧洲最大的经济体德国一直是希腊和爱尔兰的援助方,早已表现出了不情愿和闹嚣。The largest economy in Europe has been a reluctant and frequently obstreperous backer of the bailouts of Greece and Ireland.

这样的例子有拥有大量建筑项目的中国建设银行,和巨大的移动服务提供商——中国移动。Examples include China Construction Bank, a huge backer of infrastructure projects, and China Mobile, a big mobile-phone carrier.

当时加拿大对水电推崇备至,因为水电在该国早期工业化进程中发挥了重要作用。At the time, Canada was a strong backer of hydroelectric power, which had played a key role in the country's early industrialization.

中国人如今在询问,北京是否低估了朝鲜拥有核武器所带来的代价,以及成为金家政权最大支持者的代价。Chinese now ask whether Beijing underestimates the costs of a nuclear-armed North Korea and being the largest backer of the Kim regime.

夹紧单元,轻轻推入一个更桩及支持者材料的单页纸前垫钳制在一起的机制。The clamping units have mechanisms that jog the single sheets and backer material into an even pile before the pad is clamped together.

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资本市场作为公司制企业股本出资者不可退股这一制度特征的直接产物,为出资者如何筛选企业家提供了有效的机制。As a direct production of this system characterized by financial backer can't redeem capital shares, capital market provides an efficient mechanism.

银色能够克它是源于一家成功的公司的证据,这个公司向观众证实了他们有能力提供真正的银或者有很富得靠山。The silver that countered it was proof of a successful company, as it proved to the audience that they could afford real silver or they had a wealthy backer.

尽管Speer建立了一个设计模型并向州市官员游说了十年,但他发现他的发明太过空洞而找不到支持者。Despite building a working model and lobbying state and city politicians for a decade, Speer discovered his invention was simply too visionary to find a backer.