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公然反对,向…挑战。To defy or resist.

罪犯无视法律。Criminals defy the law.

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你无法忤逆自然!You should not defy nature.

他上来是要向以色列人骂阵。He comes out to defy Israel.

明迪,你怎敢违抗我。Mindy, how dare you defy me.

别人的意见——我断然拒绝。For man's opinion -- I defy it.

这是一种挑战我们朦胧思想的方法。It is a way to defy our obscurity.

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我倒要看看你能不能跳过那高栏。I defy you to jump that high hurdle.

无论付出什么代价,我们都得对抗他们。We had to defy them whatever the cost.

他们认为对抗流俗是绝对必要的。They believe it is essential to defy convention.

什么蔬菜和水果抗衰老效果最好?What vegetable and fruit defy anile result best?

男人讲这样的话,我敢说任何一个女人也会心软。I defy any woman not to melt when a man says that.

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正如便便说的一样,知足者常乐。我应该去学着珍惜身边这一切。I defy myself, I'm living in a lie, like no one else.

“我第一次去的时候,他们对我很不友好,”贾达夫说。“The first time I go, they always defy you,” she said.

勇敢的人公然反抗暴君,不在他们面前畏缩。Brave men defy tyrants, instead of cowering before them.

我谅你也讲不出这两个词的区别。I defy you to tell the difference between the two words.

他们曾今是天,说一不二,你从不能违抗。They had today is sky, say a not two, you never can defy.

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今天你要是吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命啊!If you eat me today, you will defy the order from the God!

如果周边小国违抗它的意愿,中国能够自制吗?Can China help itself when smaller neighbors defy its will?

虽然电影的魔力可以颠覆现实,但演员们仍逃脱不了自己作为普通人的宿命。Movie magic can defy reality, but actors are inescapably human.