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三星期以后右侧偏瘫恶化并发生运动性失语症。Three weeks later, his right hemiparesis worsened and motor aphasia developed.

我们报告一个巨大的肾上腺骨髓性脂肪瘤的病例。We presented a case of huge adrenal myelolipoma in a patient admitted for a cerebrovascular accident with right hemiparesis.

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其他并发症还有无菌性脑膜炎、脑脊液鼻漏、暂时性偏瘫、缄默性失语、创伤性动脉瘤、癫疒间等。Other complications were non-bacterial meningitis, nasal CSF fistula, transient hemiparesis mutism, traumatic aneurysm, epilepsy, etc.

患者男性,65岁,右利手,即往有卒中史伴轻度左侧肢体瘫痪及房颤。This65 year old right-handed man had a history of previous stroke, associated with a very mild left hemiparesis , and atrial fibrillation.

重偏瘫患者与轻偏瘫患者腹外斜肌、腰竖脊肌及胸竖脊肌在旋转中的表现与正常人无明显差异。There is no difference of external oblique, lumber erector spinae, thoracic erector spinae and between normals, hemiplegia and hemiparesis.

结论纯运动性偏瘫患者,如果出现构音障碍、头晕及共济失调时应考虑到桥脑梗死的可能。Conclusion The patients with pure motor hemiparesis and dizziness, ataxia, dysarthria have more possibility to suffer from pontine infarction.

结果肉芽肿性阿米巴脑炎是一个慢性的临床过程,其临床特点是常出现头痛,轻度发热,癫痫发作,偏瘫和昏迷。Results GAE is a chronic clinical entity. Clinical manifestations include headache, low fever, seizures, hemiparesis and coma leading to death.

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其余11例采用开颅血肿清除术,术后9例恢复平稳,另2例遗有轻偏瘫和不完全性运动失语。There were still 11 cases who had craniotomy, among which 9 cases recovered smoothly and 2 cases existed hemiparesis and partial motor aphasia.

本文报告一个左额叶出血导致右侧偏瘫的七十八岁男性患者,同时亦有泌尿道感染。We report a 78-year-old man who had a left frontal lobe hemorrhage resulting in right hemiparesis. At that time, he also had a urinary tract infection.

结论NMD的临床特征以智力低下、癫及脑性偏瘫为主,头颅MRI是诊断本病的最佳检查方法。Conclusion The results of this study suggest that NMD is characterized by mental retardation, epilepsy and hemiparesis. Cranial MRI is the best diagnostic method.

虽然使用抗凝剂并升高了血压,患者右侧同向性偏盲仍进行性加重,并伴有右侧肢体感觉障碍。Despite anticoagulation and increased BP, the patient progressed to a complete right homonymous hemianopsia, with a mild right hemiparesis , and right hemi body sensory abnormalities.

本文章描述一年轻女性,一开始未诊断出心脏黏液瘤,后来导致右侧偏瘫。This work describes the clinical course of a symptomatic young female whose multilocular myxomas were not diagnosed initially, who then developed right hemiparesis resulting from cardiac embolization.