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月产量多少?What's the monthly output?

您可以买月票。You can buy a monthly pass.

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此杂志按月出版。The magazine appears monthly.

您的月产量是多少啊?What's your monthly capacity?

你的月租费是多少?How much is the monthly rental?

这份杂志每月出一期。The magazine is issued monthly.

你目前的月薪是多少?What’s your monthly salary now?

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你必须每个月做一次预算。You must have a monthly budget.

我的月工资支票来迟了。My monthly salary cheque is late.

按时作好月报表。Make monthly report forms on time.

每月全国限量发行100张。Limited edition of the monthly 100.

银行按月把结算单寄给我。My bank sends me monthly statements.

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现在每月还款额显示为The monthly payment is now displayed

按时作好月报表。Make monthly report forms on time. I.

按月统计各协会酒店数据。Monthly figures of each BARDE member.

请出示年夜家汽车月票。Please show me your monthly bus pass.

每月日常支出详细信息Details for monthly household expenses

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他主要靠自己的月收入生活。He lives mainly on his monthly income.

按时作好月报表。Make monthly report forms on time. _L.

房租月付,带停车位,长短期租住皆可。Monthly paid rent, car park available.