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我这是排卵期出血吗?。I is this oviposit period haemorrhage?

那么女性如何掌握排卵期呢?So women how to grasp the oviposit period?

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在35℃时,幼虫不能存活,成虫不产卵。Under 35℃, the larvae cannot survive and the adult cannot oviposit.

一般也还是在两次月经中间四周时间排卵的。Still also be in twice commonly among menstruation of around time oviposit.

产卵选择性试验结果表明,水稻田和茭白田二化螟均喜在茭白植株上产卵。SSB from both rice and Zizania fields mostly prefer to oviposit on Zizania plants.

因为卵泡期的长短易变,排卵随时有可能发生。Because follicular period accident is changeful, oviposit happens likely at any time.

精力旺盛,在排卵期,女性的本能,使她们更加喜欢表现自己。Energetic, in women, instinct, oviposit period make them more like to express themselves.

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需要提醒的是,人流后卵巢一般会很快恢复排卵功能。What need reminds is, people will recover rapidly after general ovarian oviposit function.

女性的排卵日期1般鄙人次月经来潮前的14天阁下。Oviposit date of the female is in commonly next time menstruation comes before tide 14 days or so.

排卵期的白带透明、量多,而其他时间则量少、粘稠。Oviposit period of leucorrhea transparent, quantity, and other time is limited in quantity, sticky.

跳甲的取食会降低小菜蛾在芥菜上的产卵,但对甘蓝没影响。SFB's feeding will reduce DBM's oviposit probability on B. Juncea, but has no effect on B. oleracea.

在任何时候都有可能怀孕的,每个女性的情况不同,可能随时排卵的。Be pregnant likely in any moment, the situation of every female is different, likelihood at any time of oviposit.

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成虫产卵对果实的部位以及果实的发育阶段有明显的选择性。The female insect has a clear selectivity on the location and development stage of the fruit for them to oviposit.

在排卵期女性可有食欲下降,这几天大部分女性食欲不好,饭量变小。In women can have oviposit period decreased appetite, these days most women appetite is not good, appetite is smaller.

无排卵型子宫出血是一种病程很长,疗效难以巩固的疾病。Having oviposit uterus to bleed is a kind of course of diseases very long, the disease that curative effect consolidates hard.

根据排卵和月经之间的这种关系,就可以按月经周期来推算排卵期。According to ovulation and menstrual such a relationship between the menstrual cycle, can press can calculate your oviposit period.

有测卵试纸,你可以买些回来测试,这样就知道什么时候排卵了。祝你好孕!Have the test paper that measure egg, you can be bought some come back to check, know so when oviposit. Wish you are good pregnant!

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对于成年女性,脂肪的过度减少会不知不觉地造成停止排卵或症状明显的闭经。To manhoodFemale, adipose excessive reduce can imperceptible ground to cause stop the amenorrhoea with oviposit or apparent symptom.

HJS对辣椒上烟青虫卵的寄生选择系数较高,而烟青虫偏好产卵于烟草。As to different host plants, HJS strain preferred to oviposit in the host eggs on pepper, but tobacco budworm preferred to oviposit on tobacco.

如果让刚羽化的白背飞虱在春江06上连续取食和产卵的话,其产卵能力和卵孵化能力明显降低。Both fecundity and egg hatchability were markedly reduced on CJ-06, when newly emerged WBPH females continuously fed and were allowed to oviposit in it.