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乌鸦在树上呱呱叫着。The raven cawed on the tree.

渡鸦爱觅腐尸。The raven will seek the carrion.

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美波动在她乌黑的发上Which waves in every raven tress

没在她乌黑的发际流淌。Which waves in every raven tress.

优美波动在她乌黑的发鬓。Which waves in every raven tress.

为什么乌鸦像一张写字台?Why is a raven like a writing-desk?

在一只黑乌鸦的眼里,它自己的小雏鸦是白色的。To the raven her own chick is white.

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接着,乌鸦又轻轻的拉动了一下。Again, Raven tugged gently at the line.

我是氦气的渡鸦,这电影是我的。I am helium raven and this movie is mine.

鸦后无阵营死亡,命运,冬季。Raven Queen Unaligned Death, fate, winter.

查拉尔曾运用自己的魔力变成一只渡鸦。Charal used her power to turn into a raven.

她迷人的脸上垂落着乌亮的黑发。Her charming face was framed with raven hair.

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我喜欢雷雷、也喜欢雷爱。I love Raven and Aisha ! I love Takeshi , too.

从那以后啊,所有的乌鸦都有了一张弯曲的嘴。And ever since then, Raven has had a curved beak.

一只叫声沙哑的,受惊的大乌鸦飞扑到空中。Squawking, a startled raven swooped into the air.

唔?哦,对,当然。我的渡鸦在这儿呢。Hmm?Oh, yes, yes of course. My raven is right here.

手臂上站着一只渡鸦的罗德里学士站在他旁边。Maester Rhodry stood beside him, a raven on his arm.

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渡鸦羽毛的斗篷在肩头上顺风飘动。A cloak of raven feathers fluttered from his shoulders.

乌黑的秀发卷绕着埃伦小巧的、小精灵似的耳朵。Ellen\'s raven hair curling around her tiny, elfin ears.

我的乌鸦一定是没到他那里,不然他一定会回来的。My raven never reached him, elsewise he would have come.