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眼泪从漏底的眼睛流到浮肿的鼻子。Maudlin from leaky eye to swollen nose.

内装DZ10系列塑壳断路器。Inner mounted DZ10L series Leaky breaker.

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水正从漏水的笼头滴下来。Water is dripping from that leaky faucet.

丈夫为什么不打算修补漏雨的屋顶呢?。Why isn't the husband fixing the leaky roof?

举例而言,我们有一些漏水的厕所。For example, we had a couple of leaky toilets.

卫生间的水龙头漏水了,我去检查一下。We have a leaky faucet in the toilet. I have a cheak.

但是过了这次提升机会,破船依然会下沉。But over the long haul, the leaky ships will still sink.

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在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏的水桶。There is a stack of hay a leaky barrel in the discard barn.

在废弃的牲口棚中有一堆干草和一个漏的水涌。There is a stack of hay and a leaky barrel in the discard barn.

您是否可以找人修一下漏的水龙头和坏锁呢?Could you find someone to repair a leaky faucet and broken lock?

还可以应用在渗漏的齿轮箱、锅炉链条和传送链。Applications include leaky gearboxes oven chains and conveyor chains.

第一,最近良好的市场形式扶起好多“船只”即使是那些破船。First, the recent market rally has lifted all boats, even the leaky ones.

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可以用它修补漏水的马桶,修理马桶座圈的裂缝。You can use it repair a leaky toilet, or to fix a crack on a toilet seat.

你会懒于修理漏水的龙头或是减少能源耗费么?Will you bother to fix the leaky faucets, or reduce your power consumption?

我们也许渴望如精美的瓷器般被看待,可是保罗却视我们为「渗漏的瓦器」。We may yearn to be treated like fine china, but Paul sees us as "leaky jars."

美国的医保价格昂贵而又漏洞百出,这更加剧了其他问题。America's costly but leaky health-care system aggravates several other problems.

那就像一个有洞的锅,你可以无数次把水注满,但锅永远也不会满。It's like a leaky pot. You can pour in water ten times over but it'll never fill.

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并用微扰法计算和分析了四层漏波导结构。The four-layer leaky waveguide mechanism is analyzed by perturbation method also.

修理漏水的龙头。所有的这些点地浪费加起来有时是每天10-25加仑。Fix leaky faucets. All those wasted drops add up—sometimes to 10-25 gallons a day.

钙经过有漏缝的细胞膜流进肌细胞,造成全身低钙血症Calcium flows into muscle cells through leaky membranes, causing systemic hypocalcemia