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而且毛里求斯没有衰落的迹象。And there’s nothing ramshackle about Mauritius.

毛里求斯安娜希塔四季度假村。Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita.

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欢迎来到毛里求斯安娜希塔四季度假村。Welcome to Four Seasons Resort Mauritius at Anahita.

我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。We will ask you company as our service agent in Mauritius.

您到毛岛旅游就一直呆在酒店附近吗?Who comes to Mauritius and stays within their hotel vicinity?

胡锦涛的非洲之行还将包括坦尚尼亚和模里西斯。Mr. Hu's Africa trip will also take him to Tanzania and Mauritius.

他本星期晚些时候将访问马利、塞内加尔、坦尚尼亚和毛里塔尼亚。He travels later this week to Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, and Mauritius.

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我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。We hereby appoint your company to be our business agent in Mauritius.

Hoel还记录了毛里求斯在发展方面取得的成功。Hoel also was able to capture Mauritius as a development success story.

图为毛里求斯天利经济贸易合作区。The picture shows Mauritius Tianli Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone.

我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。We will appoint your company as our company's institution in Mauritius.

我生在法国,但是我的父亲是英国人,出生于毛里求斯。I started in France, but my father was a British citizen, born in Mauritius.

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小小的毛里求斯里总共一百二十万人口,其中九十万都是印度人是多么的惊人啊。How astonishing that tiny Mauritius has 0.9m Indians out of a 1.2m population.

加纳、毛里求斯和坦桑尼亚等国已经开始推行这些方面的改革。Some nations such as Ghana, Mauritius and Tanzania already have initiated such reforms.

同样,毛里求斯的非洲民族也选举了一个法国血统的白人外交部长。Likewise, the African nation of Mauritius has elected a white prime minister of French origin.

已向马达加斯加和毛里求斯提供行为影响交流方法方面的补充专长以便采取后续行动。Additional expertise in the COMBI approach has been sent to Madagascar and Mauritius for follow-up.

毛中两国传统友谊深厚,双边友好合作活跃。Mauritius and China enjoy profound traditional friendship and active bilateral friendly cooperation.

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毛里求斯在报告涉及的183个国家和地区中位列17,高于很多发达国家。Mauritius was ranked 17th of the 183 economies covered by the report, ahead of lots of richer places.

一个男人娶了一位来自毛里求斯群岛的女人,他们是通过法国一个笔友组织认识的。One man married a woman from the Mauritius Islands that he met through a French pen-pal organization.

在今年的名单上,毛里求斯再次被列为撒哈拉以南非洲地区治国最有方的国家。This year's index ranked Mauritius as the best governed sub-Saharan African nation for the second year.