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如今她几乎足不出户。She is now practically housebound.

有小孩的太太们应该留守家里吗?Should wives with children be housebound?

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给行动不便的人们送上感恩大餐。Deliver Thanksgiving dinners to housebound people.

她总是在为她不方便外出的祖母跑前跑后。She was forever running errands for her housebound grandmother.

服务包含提供餐点、食物原料或将餐点外送给行动不便者。May serve meals, provide ingredients for home cooking or deliver to housebound people.

对于那些因残疾或疾病而足不出户的人来说,互联网可也以称得上是一种上帝的恩赐。For people who are housebound because of disabilities or illness, the Web can also be a godsend.

据说,这些新百岁老人并非是你想象中那种体弱多病的足不出户者。By all accounts, these new centenarians are far from the frail, ailing, housebound people you might expect.

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目的了解河北省唐山市社区老年人居家不出状况及进行心理因素分析。Objective To understand the status of housebound and its psychologic factor in community elderly of Tangshan.

当他们彼此刚刚开始接触的第一个礼拜,Gran偏执的不愿离家,同时又渴望倾诉,便在门口的阶梯上与Tuszynska见面。For the first weeks, housebound by paranoia but desperate to talk, Gran would agree only to meetings on her doorstep.

肤色深的人,足不出户的人或是住在高纬度地区的人也可能无法制造足够的维他命D。Also, people who are dark-skinned or housebound or who live in far northern latitudes may fail to make enough vitamin D.

仅仅在他们结婚60周年的两周后,贝特的妻子就去世,84岁的他几乎就不出门了。Ever since his wife died, just two weeks after their 60th anniversary, 84-year-old Bert has been practically housebound.

建立城镇居民医疗保险制度的核心是防止城镇居民因病致贫。The core which builds up town residents medical treatment insurance system is to keep town residents from housebound poor.

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姥姥到了八十岁就闭门不出了,隐隐约约知道自己渐渐犯了老年人的通病,就是常常沉溺在往事里。When Great Grandma was in her 80's, and housebound , she realized that she was slipping into an old person's habit of living in the past.

越来越富有的中国人,变化的脚步令人窒息,从骑自行车到开小轿车,从生活在农村到生活在城市,从国内度假到滑雪度假,如今都变到脸上了。The breathtaking pace of transformation for upwardly mobile Chinese — from bicycles to cars, village to city, housebound holidays to ski vacations — now extends to faces.

他指出,电子图书不仅因为不会被磨损、撕毁或者盗窃而廉价,而且它们更是给那些腿脚不便利的老年读者带来了福音。He pointed out that e-books were not only cheaper, because of the lack of wear and tear and thefts, but they also offered great opportunities for older housebound readers.

医护人员拿著看诊的设备,一户一户拜访病人,志工勇敢对抗台北炎热的天气,确定没有错过看诊的病患。Carrying heavy medical equipment from door to door to call on housebound patients, the volunteers brave the scorching Taipei weather, making sure that no one here is missed out.

在爱尔兰,超市连锁店两周前推出网上售货以来,访问的顾客至少达15000人,他们当中有忙忙碌碌的经理们,也有用后家中的人。Iceland, the supermarket chain, began computer shopping trials two weeks ago and has already signed up at least l5,000 customers, ranging from busy executives to the housebound.

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在英国,大约有70万人都在承受着这种不断衰弱的症状,包括呼吸困难和疲劳,严重的患者几乎足不出户。Around 700,000 people in Britain suffer from the condition that has debilitating symptoms, including breathlessness and fatigue, that can be so severe patients may remain virtually housebound.