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苏丹的那座化工厂被摧毁。The Sudanese chemical plant was destroyed.

随后,该基地由南苏丹士兵夺回。The base was later retaken by southern Sudanese soldiers.

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南部苏丹人民为了赢得独立,经历了长期的浴血奋战。Southern Sudanese had fought a long, bloody war to win independence.

苏丹沙漠中,妇女们头顶着捆好的柴薪。Women carry bundles of firewood on their heads in the Sudanese desert.

我们已经呼吁苏丹政府改变这项决定。And we have called on the Sudanese government to reverse this decision.

苏丹政府军本月曾两次对为一地点的米纳维派武装发动攻击。Sudanese government forces twice this month for a place Minawi armed attack.

从2003年起,23万苏丹难民从达尔富尔涌入乍得东部。Since 2003, 230, 000 Sudanese refugees have fled to eastern Chad from Darfur.

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这一结果源于连年内战和北苏丹政府的渎职。This follows years of war and neglect by the Sudanese government in Khartoum.

苏丹总统巴希尔已经表示,他的政府接受这个结果。Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has said his government accepts the results.

这份声明还说,这名外交官的车当时正驶向喀土穆西郊。The Sudanese statement said the car was heading toward a suburb west of Khartoum.

苏丹外交部官员尤素夫说,有两名武装分子被捕。Sudanese Foreign Ministry official Ali Youssef says, two gunmen were also arrested.

流亡国外的南苏丹人也正在大批返乡。Expatriate South Sudanese are also coming home in droves after decades of civil war.

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代比总统指责苏丹支持乍得反政府军。苏丹官员否认这项指责。President Deby has accused Sudan of backing the rebels, which Sudanese officials deny.

请问您此次来访希望向南苏人民传达什么信息?What is the message you want to convey to the South Sudanese people through this trip?

苏丹外交部长莱姆阿科尔保持说,胡锦涛的提议不带有任何敌意。Sudanese Foreign Minister Lam Akol insisted that Hu's words on Darfur were not hostile.

江姆贝说,国际移民组织正计划在未来几个星期再运送2000名苏丹人回家。Jumbe says IOM is planning to transport another 2,000 Sudanese home in the coming weeks.

迄今为止,被国际刑事法院通缉的两名苏丹公民没有一个在苏丹被起诉。So far neither of the two Sudanese citizens wanted by the ICC have been charged in Sudan.

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医院投资方是一名中国商人,他在苏丹首都拥有好几家医院。The investor is a Chinese businessman who runs several hospitals in the Sudanese capital.

苏丹政府要求科尼在乌干达和南部苏丹制造混乱。The Sudanese government asked Kony to spread chaos in Uganda as well as in southern Sudan.

苏丹总统似乎对尚待决定的逮捕令要求并不担心。The Sudanese president appears unconcerned about the impending request for an arrest warrant.