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加入蛋液。Add in egg.

闻一闻蛋。Smell the egg.

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鸡蛋汤就行。Egg soup is OK.

卖鹌鹑蛋的。Quail egg lady.

你喜欢吃鸡蛋吗?Do you like egg?

通过加一个蛋。By adding an egg.

蒴果卵形。Capsule egg form.

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让我吃一只鸡蛋。Let me eat an egg.

让我们来玩藏彩蛋。Let's hide the egg.

而是鸡蛋养殖场。They are egg farms.

他把鸡蛋吞了下去。He swallowed the egg.

它是一颗恐龙蛋。It is a dinosaur egg.

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搅好鸡蛋后再慢慢地拌入面粉。Fold in the egg whites.

先有鸡还是先有蛋呢?The Chicken or the Egg?

把蛋白搅拌好。Beat the egg whites well.

煮鸡蛋做的鹭。Heron made of boiled egg.

千万不要生吃鸡蛋白!Never Eat Raw Egg Whites!

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蒸蛋羹吃起来都是蛋味。The steamed egg was eggy.

刷上打散的鸡蛋上光。Brush on beaten egg glaze.

秀秀我的金蛋大奖。I'm the golden egg winner!