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由于公司政策,不能执行减噪程序。Unable noise abatement due company policy.

为了降低噪音,请左转45度。TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 degrees.

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政府逐渐撤消对经营活动的把持。A bit-by-bit abatement of government control over business.

1988年增加的第301—311条,涉及的是室内氧的控制问题。Sections 301-311, added in 1988, relate to indoor radon abatement.

请问你有没有防噪音的耳塞,就是睡觉戴着的那种。Do you have any noise abatement earplug, that is, the kind of sleep wear.

其次,减排的发生地应与成本支付方相分离。Second, where the abatement occurs must be separated from who pays for it.

但是,它们都不再坚持碳减排与己无关的说法。But they are no longer insisting that carbon abatement is none of their affair.

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这个问题已经持续大约三到四周,且尚无任何缓和迹象。The problem has persisted for about three or four weeks now, with no sign of abatement.

这个不为人知的新晋商人从市政当局那里申请并获得了长达四十年的减税期。This unknown untried dealmaker applied for and received a40-year tax abatement from the city.

这个不为人知的新晋商人从市政当局那里申请并获得了长达四十年的减税期。This unknown, untried dealmaker applied for and received a 40-year tax abatement from the City.

我们始终认为,对话比对抗好,缓和比紧张好。We always believe that dialogue is better than confrontation, and abatement is better than tension.

与此同时,除非市场不景气状况突然中止,否则友邦的股票发行将遇到强烈的阻碍。Meanwhile, barring a sudden abatement of market gloom, AIA's offering will be fighting serious headwinds.

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目的了解苏州市德国小蠊抗性现状及抗性消退情况,为城市蟑螂防制提供依据。Objective To understand the resistance and its abatement of Blattella germanica in Suzhou urban districts.

第二十九条税法第六条第三款所说的附加减除费用标准为2800元。Tax Law Article VI of the twenty-ninth article said the cost of additional abatement standards for 2800 yuan.

如能控制IP-10水平,则有可能减轻RSV感染所致肺部炎性病变。Control the level of IP-10 would be effective on the abatement of pulmonary inflammatory response caused by RSV.

本发明装置安装在矿车上,跟随运行的机车进行除尘。The device of the invention is arranged on a tramcar and carries out dust abatement following a running locomotive.

在被投诉了25次之后,卡罗琳.卡特怀特被认为违反了噪声控制通告。Caroline Cartwright was found guilty of breaching a noise abatement notice served on her after 25 complaints to police.

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如果进行适当的污染治理投资,则可能改善环境状况,从而避免经济衰退。However, environmental conditions could be ameliorated and thus economic recession could be avoided by pollution abatement investment.

从我国的客观经济条件和减税的效果分析,我国目前不应该实施减税政策。By analysing the result of tax abatement under the condition of objective economy, we shouldn t practice the policy of tax abatement now.

农业非点源减排的实施是实现水环境质量和戚本效率双重目标的关键。Implementing emission abatement in agricultural non-point sources is the key to achieve the dual goals of water quality and cost-efficiency.