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而自己和秦朝呢。But oneself and Qin Dynasty.

她曾建立了辽王朝。She has created Liao Dynasty.

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但有生气的朝代已经结束。But the dynamic dynasty has gone.

每一根树枝都能建成一个王朝。Each branch may become a dynasty.

它发源于晋朝。It originated in the Jin Dynasty.

它起源于清代。It originated in the Qing Dynasty.

汉家公主纪念馆。Han Dynasty Princess Memorial Hall.

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很多人选择了唐代。Many people chose the Tang Dynasty.

长安居始建于清朝中晚期!Long live built dynasty middle-late!

这些是唐朝的古钱。These are old coins of Tang Dynasty.

碑文兴起于秦。Inscription originated in Qin Dynasty.

都是唐代名茶产地。Origin in the Tang Dynasty are famous.

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唐以前为第一阶段。The first phase is pre-Tang's dynasty.

他是当朝第三的大将军。He is the third general of the Dynasty.

这么说在唐朝的时候。It seems to me during the Tang Dynasty.

明代是铸造铁狮子最多的朝代。Most of them were cast in Ming dynasty.

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首先是清末民初的廖平。The first is the late Qing dynasty Liao.

这两幅画都创作于宋代。there were both created in Song Dynasty.

中国清代园林建筑。Chinese Qing Dynasty garden architecture.