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房龙于1924年加入一神教俗世信徒联盟。Van Loon had joined the Unitarian Laymen 's League in 1924.

星期天她会去沿途的一神信普救教堂。On Sundays, she goes to Unitarian Universalist churches along the way.

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还有两个长老机构在爱尔兰的统一。There are still two Presbyterian bodies in Ireland that are Unitarian.

是寻道会一项服务。The SafeHouse is a service provided by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong.

一神论者强调诗歌中描述人物的一致性。Unitarian stress the consistency of the character portrayed in the poetry.

结果我们得知,客人是一位一神教的牧师,她可爱,体贴而聪慧。Our guest turned out to be a lovely, thoughtful and smart Unitarian minister.

社会协调的一个重要目的是唯一壮观的制度。Social coordination represents an important aim of unitarian spectacular system.

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同时,它颠覆了基督教的正统,甚至日益衰落的。At the same time, it upset Christian orthodoxy, even the attenuated Unitarian form.

牛顿不能做三一学院的教师,因为作为一名一神论者,他不能被授予神职。Newton could not be Master of Trinity because he was a Unitarian and so not in Holy Orders.

该统一世界教会是一个教会,因为它只能相信上帝,是父亲。The Unitarian Universalist Church is such a Church, which only believes in God, the Father.

有很好的理由认为,洛克是一个唯一神论者,我曾见过有论证米尔顿也是。There is good reason for thinking that Locke was a Unitarian. I have seen it argued that Milton was.

这项服务由寻道会专业辅导人员免费提供。This service is provided free of charge by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong's qualified counsellor.

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他试图结合起来,统一基督教形式与婆罗门概念的最高个人的上帝。He tried to combine a Unitarian form of Christianity with the Brahmin conception of the supreme personal God.

自由思想者们称他们不全是无神论者,他们当中还有不可知论者、现世人文主义者、自然神论者和一神论者。The Freethinkers say that they are not necessarily atheists, but include agnostics, secular humanists, deists and Unitarian Universalists.

为何自我修养这一超验主义神学理论会成为现代唯一神论教会修行的基础?How can this Transcendentalist theology of self-culture serve as the foundation for a contemporary Unitarian Universalist spiritual practice?

田纳西山谷普救派教堂举行了一场纪念活动,纪念一周前再枪击事件中丧生的两个人。The Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church held a memorial service in honor of the two people killed in a shooting rampage a week ago.

我曾经在洛杉矶的第一唯一神教堂遇见了达赖喇嘛,他给了我他在印度的地址因为他希望我能寄给他药膳。I once met the Dalai Lama at the First Unitarian Church of Los Angeles and he gave me his India address because he wanted me to send him herbal recipes.

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原来这位教授是一个基督教唯一神教派的教徒,他并不认同三位一体说,也不认同耶稣基督的神性,实际上他只承认耶稣只是一个先知。It turns out that this professor was a Unitarian Christian. He did not believe in the trinity or the divinity of Jesus. In actuality, he believed that Jesus was a prophet.

在市政厅、大卫琼斯,左和唐威廉斯接受牧师格雷格斯图尔特的祝福,并表示要执行的免费婚礼。At City Hall, David Jones, left, and Don Williams received the blessing of the Rev. Greg Stewart, a Unitarian minister who said he showed up to perform free wedding ceremonies.

在这里他们的社交圈很小,甚至比不上家乡曼彻斯特的唯一神教教友人数。As first-generation immigrants to the capital, their social circle was restricted, certainly more so than it would have been if they had remained among their Unitarian relatives in Manchester.