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通货紧缩的威胁?The threat of deflation?

在通货紧缩时亦是如此。See also Inflation and Deflation.

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农田土壤风蚀过程。The process of farmland soil deflation.

首先,我们将终生承受通货紧缩的打击。First we have the deflation shock of lives.

繁荣并非一定以通货紧缩为终点。The boom does not have to end in deflation.

单向阀主要起放气作用。The one-way valve mainly acts for deflation.

“通货紧缩会继续加深”,彭先生表示。"Deflation is still deepening, " said Mr Peng.

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你更担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩?SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation?

没人认为通货紧缩本身是可取的。No one thinks that deflation in itself is desirable.

中国经历了1996至2004年不寻常的一个通货紧缩时期。China had an unusual deflation period from 1996-2004.

通过举债和印制钞票可以防止通缩。Deflation can be avoided through debt and money printing.

究竟那些收息者怎样从通货紧缩中获利?How exactly are these rentiers benefiting from deflation?

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经济学家认为通货紧缩对经济是不利的。Economists consider deflation to be detrimental to the economy.

我将此推测推及到通货膨胀和通货紧缩之中。I applied that conjecture to episodes of inflation and deflation.

本实用新型涉及一种定压放气阀。The utility model relates to a constant pressure deflation valve.

格塞尔表明,更快的货币流通速度有助于打败通货紧缩。Gesell argued that a higher velocity of money helps combat deflation.

通货紧缩可能会持续很长时间,给股市浇上一盆冷水。Deflation can be long-lasting and have a chilling effect on stock markets.

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去年通货膨胀的担心才下眉头,今年通货紧缩的忧虑又上心头。Last year's inflation fears have been replaced by concern about deflation.

是的,如果通货紧缩威胁再度显现,美联储不太可能袖手旁观。True, the Fed isn't likely to stand by if deflation again becomes a threat.

在通货紧缩的地区,这是非常错误的政策。This is a monumentally ill-considered policy in a region that faces deflation.